
New Member
Hi all, im sure this has come up a lot but my dipped beam has stopped working. Can anyone tell me how to remove the stalk as i have undone the 2 screws but it wont slide out. Ive searched the forum to no avail. Im sure its the stalk as when i was tinkering they briefly came on. Any help mucho appreciated :)
Have you checked the connectors on the back of the bulbs? They are known to corrode and then melt and lead to strange behaviour from the head lights. They are easy to replace if you can use wire cutters/strippers and a soldering iron.
checked them, they are corroded and melted but they still work although they will be changed shortly. Im pretty sure its the stalk just not sure how to get it off!
checked them, they are corroded and melted but they still work although they will be changed shortly. Im pretty sure its the stalk just not sure how to get it off!

once you remove the column nacelle, (3 screws on bottom), you'll see (2) phillips holding the switch.

turn the wheel 90deg left, and you can unscrew those.

The mounts act as clips, release pressure gently.

Do your best contortion, release the wiring connectors and you can slide the switch ass'y out.

They are, by the way repairable.

If you disassemble, do it slowly over a large clean area.
on my disco 200 the shroud is held by 6 screws underneath ...once both bits are out the way... the top is a bit of a fiddle to wriggle out.... there are two multiplugs behind the light switch to remove the wires , then a plastic tag top and bottom to release the light switch assemly... it slides out to the left taking the hazzard button with it. should be a 5 minute job.
if you need a replacement an m reg ldv 400 van one is identical.
hmm all undone and cant slide the little barsteward out for love nor money!!! any more tips. took the plugs out and they are all scorched so think thats the problem. just cant get it off
ok managed to get it out all cleaned and put back together.........nothing :( still no dipped beam. Any thoughts?

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