I keep meaning to do this too, I'm always leaving my sidelights on for some reason. Not managed to actually flatten the battery yet but been close...

An override that makes it only buzz when the door is open would be good too...
well if you ca get a Nc switch in the sill of the door, you could connect it to ignition live and then to the buzzer +ve.

so if your ignitions on and you open the door, the buzzer will sound.

but seen as 75% of the time we turn off the engine then open the door, by turn off the ignition will make the buzzer sound if your lights are on.
Can put one through you indicators as well
how many times ive left those on.

are you a bit jeff or you motor too loud?;)

I suppose you could hook a buzzer up to the output of the blinker unit for the indicators. buzzes in sync with the flashing of the indicators.

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