
Active Member
Just bagged myself a cheap roof light bar and spots from the Landy Festival. To anyone else who has one where did you run the cable from the bar to inside the vehicle? My plan is to run the cables behind the plastic A pillar trim and into the engine bay where I can wire them to a relay. Will purchase a OEM switch for one of the blanks (do they do one?) and feed off the dipped headlamps to the relay.


I use a Defender heated seat switch fitted with the lid off a blank with a light engraved on it by modelling knife
Thanks, I can see that routing the cable like that should work a treat.
Do you have the part number for the switch please?
Thanks for your help guys. I need to route a cable from the relay in the engine bay to a switch in the cab and back - any suggestions as I cant see a way short of drilling a new hole,



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