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I've been keeping an eye out for a Landy 109 or 110 ideally ex military and also ideally petrol engined as I live in S London.

I've seen one recently which is a 110 fitted with hard top which has side windows. In the LEZ checker it comes up as exempt from the charge and having checked the V5 its currently showing as 'Convertible' body and PLG.

I'm worried if I buy it that when I register it in my name I might have an issue with the DVLA assigning it a different vehicle type.

Any experience/advice welcome. I'm assuming it is most likely they'd just change it to an M type class and I'll be OK but I can't afford it not to go right!

Thanks in advance.
Why would you think they would change the vehicle type?

Have you called and asked?

What engine is in this vehicle at the moment?

Hi it's the standard 2.5 Diesel apparently although I notice it's not painted green so possibly changed at some point?

I don't want to call the DVLA and maybe alert them to the 'discrepancy' lol.

From what I've seen so ex Mod vehicles get rated as commercial and some as cars but it seems to be a luck of the draw. As this has already been defined as a 'car' I'm assuming it will stay like that but just wanted to see if anyone here has knowledge of the issue.
I don't want to call the DVLA and maybe alert them to the 'discrepancy' lol.

Well if there is a risk of a "discrepancy", better to find it before you buy it.......:D

It never made sense to me why a disco 300tdi would have LEZ comp and a 300tdi Fender van would not, or a 300tdi CSW would but a 300td iFender pick up would not..............

Hi Jee,

From my experience you are right- it's luck of the draw. that said, when you buy the vehicle there won't be any reason to change the body type meaning when the V5 arrives it your name it will still be LEZ compliant.
Well if there is a risk of a "discrepancy", better to find it before you buy it.......:D

It never made sense to me why a disco 300tdi would have LEZ comp and a 300tdi Fender van would not, or a 300tdi CSW would but a 300td iFender pick up would not..............


Well I did phone the DVLA and..........they couldn't really tell me anything! First they said 'I don't know' then told me that there's no reason anything should change unless I requested a change. So it's probably OK if already registered as a 'car'.

Can anyone tell me, does a V5 for a factory station wagon class it as a car or a light utility?

It depends- mostly a station wagon would be classed as a car. It might also be classed as an estate. But when you change an owner on a vehicle it doesn't change the vehicle type, so make sure you take a copy of the current vehicle type as an insurance and you'll be fine.

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