
Well-Known Member
Hi All,

One of the less important jobs on my rebuild list is the final colour of my 110. I know I don't need to worry about it till bulkhead-time, but I'd like to start trying to make the decision. so far I've got these options in my head:

Grasmere Green
Coniston green (standard landy green to me)
Belize green (pretty similar to coniston I think)
epsom green (is there some issue with metalic paint and ally panels?)
atlantic green (similar to grasmere?)
keswick green (looks more grey to me)
heritage green (is this a real colour?)

If anyone has any good pics of their defender in any of those shades (or others I should consider) please do chime in.

I'm sure someone wont be able to resist mentioning NATO green..... let me assure that I will not be painting it NATO green! :)


I love the Grasmere green… wasn't available when i buyded my landy though :(
When I bought my Fender, it had been sprayed in G*ylander Tonga Green.
Well I thinks it looks nice...................
When I bought my Fender, it had been sprayed in G*ylander Tonga Green.
Well I thinks it looks nice...................

Ah yes, I forgot I'd seen Tonga Green somewhere.. mind you, I thought it was more of a modern rangie colour. I'm still unsure about the metallic paint on ally panels thing though..I'm sure I read something somewhere about there being an issue.
I'm still unsure about the metallic paint on ally panels thing though..I'm sure I read something somewhere about there being an issue.

Hmm, My missus' ex (world expert on everything :rolleyes: ) said something similar. Have to say it looks great, can't see any bubbling or reaction anywhere. Shows up dirt a treat anorl............
My old one was metallic green… not a landy green though i don't think… there might be a better pic in one of my albums :)

Well shove you and your thread.. EASTNOR green didn't get a look in did it not ?
Well shove you and your thread.. EASTNOR green didn't get a look in did it not ?
Lol. Sorry Eric... I wasn't trying to say I've listed all the greens there are! More like, show me these greens plus any I haven't thought of! Haha.
Ah yes, I forgot I'd seen Tonga Green somewhere.. mind you, I thought it was more of a modern rangie colour. I'm still unsure about the metallic paint on ally panels thing though..I'm sure I read something somewhere about there being an issue.

:lol::lol: Thats funny, was it a joke?

The only true defender green imho
no need for that level of sarcasm! lol

I think I read it in LRO.... seriously..

You got more issue with the aluminum door skin where it makes contact with the steel frame, and where other aluminum parts are held on with steel fasteners. Metallic sparkle stuff in the paint is of no concern. We have had metallic paints and aluminum trucks since the 60's ;)

. A metallic paint is made of tiny flakes of metal (usually aluminium or brass) floating in a clear binder
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You got more issue with the aluminum door skin where it makes contact with the steel frame, and where other aluminum parts are held on with steel fasteners. Metallic sparkle stuff in the paint is of no concern. We have had metallic paints and aluminum trucks since the 60's ;)
Good point...

Yeah I'm aware of the electrolytic corrosion with the steel vs ally thing. I guess wherever possible during the build I'm just going to try and put plenty of paint on them.
Originally I had a deposit down on the 2004 90 in the first attachment, however I was put off by the complete lack of pick-up under acceleration. It is a 'Special Vehicle' in a shade of green that I have not seen before or since.

I finally opted for the 2006 90 in the 2nd attachment, which is in a far more traditional shade of green.


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I saw a BRAND NEW (15 plate) Defender 110 today, it was green, and my eyes turned exactly the same colour :D

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