Last night decided to replace my lift pump on the newly purchased disco 1 300 tdi. Removed the high pressure pipes pipes to improve access and got the new delphi unit in place no bother. Went to start it and it ran poorly and then cut out, lots of trying to get it to run and hardly any success. Much removal and refitting making sure all was sitting correctly with no luck. this morning fresh eyes straight away I see the fuel pipes fitted the wrong way around. Refit everything correctly and it fires into life after some cranking to get the fuel through. Soon it settles into nice even idle and when the accelerator is pressed holy cow it revs like a f1 car with black smoke! Have a look under bonnet to see a drip coming form the filter inlet pipe. Remove pipe and find that it looks fire/heat damaged all melted and distorted and a small hole. Its in a shocking state an who ever left it on there needs a slap. Well goes to show starting a job late in the day with fading light and not really the best head on will lead to stupid mistakes, also beliving someone who sells you a 10th hand 17 year old discovery who says there is nothing wrong with it and everything works when 12 of 14 dash buttons do nothing as either disconnected or broken is just as silly( I did not belive him - but the extent of negligence has peed me right off). TBH I would have purchased it even if the seller had been upfront about the faults instead of using a blanket answer of its all been done, everything works bull crap. Now I am left thinking that this seller just wanted to get top dollar and has no care about the safety of the new owners let alone the potential to be left stranded at the road side. Still I love my new discovery and by the time I have finished it will be a 100% better than any attempt the old owner made and I shall be rewarded by having an ace motor to drive around in not a halve arsed more money than sense attempt at building a proper machine....Rant over off to repair that dodgy pipe...
Private sale, repair completed - just fitted a piece of clear braided fuel pipe with a pair of jubilee clips in place, less than 20 mins and cost nothing as had the bits sitting in the workshop. Was a cash sale after seeing the advertisment on ebay, might compile a photo album of things that are abit pants and send it to the seller with a thankyou note but honestly whats the point. Still waiting for an email containing the photo's of the mini rebuild and repaint it had done to the body. Closer looking revels that at some point there was a small under bonnet fire that had caused the damaged fuel pipe. Mignt post some before after photo's when I take some pics....
looks a nice fix,keep yer eye on the braided line,it may go hard after a while,it does with petrol tho.
I feel your pain, I had a similar issue with the guy I bought my D2 off, but like you said, it will be much better by the time I have finished with it :)
Thsts what a test drive is for to see car and press buttons ask questions and knock them down. Youl find more wrong with time and rust

Good luck with it
The shame is that buying secondhand is buying some else's problems :(
At least you've found & fixed this without finding it the hard way o_O

All part of the landrover experience apparently :eek: (wait for the rust :p)

Currently in the market for an early disco and this is what i dread. Pretty experienced on the spanners but its hidden rust/crash damage thats the problem. I'm more than happy to be told about faults and problems as i know what i'm tackling.
Good luck with the build ;)
I did a good check for rust, chassis could be passed off as being only a couple of years old, body is the best I have seen. I once welded one of these front to back the entire truck was rotton as a pear so I knew that this one was going to be worth buying. It seems discoverys have more chance of being touched on by monkey fists than any other ordanairy car, extra carefull diligence is needed, before and after buying one. What attracted me to a disco was the cost of spare parts and its simplicity, I knew than if I could find a non rotten one then the rest would be pretty easy. I guess I settled o buying on what I knew I was getting and then fingers crossed from then on, new bfg's, suspension, HD winch bumper, a sound chassis and very good body and rebuild cylllinder head.......crap brakes and non working electrics and bush marks all over the body and manky headling.....I did see a nice looking early disco in scotland and in hind sight was proberly better than this, it was on the LRO classifieds.....
When you're buying an old Land Rover they're never going to be or never will be trouble free. I always expect to have to do some work, part of the fun. Love finding previous owner bodges and thinking 'what the f**k happened here'
Well I have re installed the xs seats as the es ones were like sitting on a high stool. Also cleaned out the sedimeter, tryed draining it first but hardly anything came out just a small amount of gloop. Obviously it was full of sludge like substance and now it is refitted the old disco is pulling loads better and sounding nicer under load but it is kicking out plenty of black and grey smoke so am going to have a play with the pump as I thing the adjustments have been done when the fuel was being restricted and now it is free flowing there is to much being injected. Does anyone have a guide on where the standered settings are for the usual tweakablebits on the pump, mainly the hieght of the large star wheel? Might have to take some of the adjustment done to the max fuel screw but I personally think this should be one of the first things to be turned up.....
Gear box breather.png
transfer box breather.png
I should really rename this progress report or something like that....Well my gift to myself just keeps giving - mostly oil stains all over the drive, one of which was the transfer box leaking, so seeing as it was raining today I decided to remove the center console and look for leaks from above and stay nice and dry. Not much to see so had a look at the breathers and bingo!
The one that looks like a curly whurly is the gearbox breather and the other is the transfer box breather, I am rekoning that the breathers blocked are causing the oil to be forced out of the transfer box as it heats up, hopefully now it will only drip instead of p*** out every time I drive it.....Next the steering box.....The joys!
I've got a spare pair of breather pipes from the original pair in my '92, presumably lt77 & r380 are interchangeable??


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