Yet another thread asking the same thing, worded differently. The answers you have already been given (and in the many other threads existing under the search function) won't change just because you move the words around. :rolleyes:

From my reading of this and some of your other recent communications, perhaps you should stop talking about yourself/ things nothing to do with v hickels [on this section] and... if accessing a RR forum, actually read what is being posted about said v hickels...

Understand that people like me are not and do not profess to be experts in all things RR and are hoping for constructive advice/ guidance no matter how simple the question might seem to you...

There are no stupid questions if you don't know the answer...

Many of the responses received to my questions with the words 'moved around' are invaluable and very much appreciated...

All you have done to date is unnecessarily grate!

There's a fine line between being to the point/ pragmatic [Gold Rover] and promoting yourself to a Platinum Smart Alec!:rolleyes:
From my reading of this and some of your other recent communications, perhaps you should stop talking about yourself/ things nothing to do with v hickels [on this section] and... if accessing a RR forum, actually read what is being posted about said v hickels...

Understand that people like me are not and do not profess to be experts in all things RR and are hoping for constructive advice/ guidance no matter how simple the question might seem to you...

There are no stupid questions if you don't know the answer...

Many of the responses received to my questions with the words 'moved around' are invaluable and very much appreciated...

All you have done to date is unnecessarily grate!

There's a fine line between being to the point/ pragmatic [Gold Rover] and promoting yourself to a Platinum Smart Alec!:rolleyes:

good luck on that:D
pld118 did not post 'F**k off Goldrover, you nob'... how did you doctor my posts/ can fight my own battles without the troll intervention thanks
He didn't mod your post - he quoted you then changd the quote....
what are you lot on?
Bix is pointing out that GR is a about to go postal....and as we know when women go postal it is quite spectacular...the fact that she is also a member of Her Majesty's Armed will be particularly extra specialy spectacular!!!

Bix is pointing out that GR is a about to go postal....and as we know when women go postal it is quite spectacular...the fact that she is also a member of Her Majesty's Armed will be particularly extra specialy spectacular!!!


Sounds like she is a leg end in her own lunch time.. other than my inept 'knowlegde' of the RR.. she knows nowt about my background and if she was that good would know that to assume makes an ass out of u and me!!!
I like to touch baby sheep for fun while eating rice pudding and wearing a skirt. Also, my lack of computer knowledge is the reason the IT guy at my place of work punctures his brain with paperclips.
Kind of a strange overshare, but okay.
It seems your 'Saint' tag might be very apt.. or perhaps the voice of reason
I always try and come from an unbiased, logical, informed and impartial stand point - until someone narks me off...then I get grumpy :D

Landyzone is not your 'typical' forum...there is **** taking and banter abound which can take some getting used to, and can even put people off, but I guarantee you this....between the micky taking, keyboard warriors and banter you will not find a more knowledgable bunch than right here on LZ....these guys really know their mustard....and aslong as you can handle a bit of 'rudeness' or 'banter' you will find we ain't a bad ol'bunch and reading between the lines, you get the information your seek....
I always try and come from an unbiased, logical, informed and impartial stand point - until someone narks me off...then I get grumpy :D

Landyzone is not your 'typical' forum...there is **** taking and banter abound which can take some getting used to, and can even put people off, but I guarantee you this....between the micky taking, keyboard warriors and banter you will not find a more knowledgable bunch than right here on LZ....these guys really know their mustard....and aslong as you can handle a bit of 'rudeness' or 'banter' you will find we ain't a bad ol'bunch and reading between the lines, you get the information your seek....

I think I've got the gig.. some LZ dwellers appear to be in need of a wee bit more medication though.. Each to their own.. Am hardened to asking stupid awkard and unwanted questions... it's always the answers that interest me tho... in whatever guise that might be..

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