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I bought a Td5 on 1-11-07 from day 1 i suspected it was leaking(nothing new)so i took it back to the dealers who cleaned the air con drains,2 weeks later water on roof lining,back to dealers they said it was a broken drain on sunroof which they fixed.I still have wet carpets in the drivers foot well after its been raining, took it back this morning and was told water ingress is not covered by my guarantee its for mechanical things only does anyone no if I am being fed a line or is he within is rights to refuse to do it.He also told me they only did the sunroof as a good will gesture, if anyone knows anything about this subject please let me know so when I go back this afternoon I am armed with the right info,thanks.
PS Happy New Year to everyone.
A lot of these guarantee's are engine & drive train, I got conned a few years back over it, my solution was to wait until the place was busy then discussed it loudly with the salesman that I had dealt with including the line "so now you have my money your not interested in any after sales problems" & the problem soon got rectified.

The goods should be up to the job they were designed for.
Just got it back from dealers I am not convinced its done but time will tell.I feel like ive been fobbed off again and to top it off they wanted to charge me £9.60 for fuel in the courtesy car when I only went home and back to there place in it,thanks for the info.
Hope its fixed properly this time but if not, contact Trading Standards, I am not an expert but don't think the car is of merchantable quality especially as judging by your photo, it must be at least a 2003 model. You could perhaps expect a leaking sunroof on a 10 year old banger for a few hundred quid but not the age/price of your Disco.

Also if you have a finance agreement on the car, the finance company have obligations in this regard as well.
Hope its fixed properly this time but if not, contact Trading Standards, I am not an expert but don't think the car is of merchantable quality especially as judging by your photo, it must be at least a 2003 model. You could perhaps expect a leaking sunroof on a 10 year old banger for a few hundred quid but not the age/price of your Disco.

Also if you have a finance agreement on the car, the finance company have obligations in this regard as well.
I have been in touch with trading standards and they said it was unacceptable,but thought I would give them a chance to put it right first.The sad thing is they said its a land rover what do you expect,but they didnt tell me that when I bought it.Wonder why?
If your Landy was not fit for purpose , under The Sale of Goods Act 1979, I believe you are entitled to a full repair at their cost or simply get your money back. You might have to prove the defects and then sue for your money back though.

Trading standards and CAB would soon sort it out for you.
Well it poured down last night and this morning the carpet was bone dry well chuffed:D still a bit miffed about the attitude but hopefully its done once and for all.Thanks for all the info.
You will never guess what?
The sunroof is still leaking,haven't used it for 4 days,went to it this morning and the roof lining was soaked and no one at the dealers to speak to there's a shock!
phil, as a response to your question...
you are covered by 'the sale of goods act 1979' regardless of the guarentee, it states that the goods sold must be of 'satisfactory quality' and 'fit for purpose' you are entitled to a free repair, like for like replacement of goods or your money back if it does not meet these standards, has become significantly inconveniant to yourself, or is not fit for purpose becaus eof the arrising fault. to a bit more swatting up on this act and you will see more info on it.
hope this helps you
phil, as a response to your question...
you are covered by 'the sale of goods act 1979' regardless of the guarentee, it states that the goods sold must be of 'satisfactory quality' and 'fit for purpose' you are entitled to a free repair, like for like replacement of goods or your money back if it does not meet these standards, has become significantly inconveniant to yourself, or is not fit for purpose becaus eof the arrising fault. to a bit more swatting up on this act and you will see more info on it.
hope this helps you
Thanks your reply/info,its as been in today for repair:rolleyes: no questions or hassles so I am chuffed not about the repair just that they had it back without giving me grief hopefully its been done this time?
Thanks your reply/info,its as been in today for repair:rolleyes: no questions or hassles so I am chuffed not about the repair just that they had it back without giving me grief hopefully its been done this time?

Experience says that as long as you have a Disco with sunroofs it will leak.

That is why I have a Disco with no sunroofs.

Mine doesn't leak .... yet .....

But it probably will soon.

The excuse 'its a Land Rover' is bulls**t, my 1993 200 tdi has the two sunroofs and neither of them leak (oh god there goes my big mouth again). Yes I am in Spain but when it rains here peoples cars get washed out of the car parks straight out into the med, now thats what you call rain!

At the end of the day the goods have to be fit for the intended use PERIOD!


Having entered into a long drawn out legal battle with a dealer over the sale of a very duff Range Rover needing thousands of pounds worth of repair, I can tell you that essentially trading standards and Consumer watch will actually do very little. You need to write to the dealer and quote 'The sales of goods Act 1979 (as ammended)' informing them of your intention if they do not repair the car to a satisfactory standard.
You are within your rights to reject the car as faulty, but it is difficult, time consuming and very expensive. I am many months down the line and about to go to Court and without assistance from my home insurers who have provided legal cover, would be facing a bill the size of the cost of a new top of the range 'Range Rover'
Good luck!
You can use the small claims court which doesn't involve a lot of money - of the order of £200 (which you get back if you win), rather than 000's.
I know somebody who went down this route and got his money back, but it can take a while.

Dealers with good sense will just take the car back and give a refund once small claims is mentioned in writing - when they know you're serious and aren't going to give up. The thickos (unfortunately there are many) will try to ignore it, or do dumb things to try and get away with it.
I am in Spain but when it rains here peoples cars get washed out of the car parks straight out into the med, now thats what you call rain!

now lets be truthful here. i think you are exaggerating a touch. ive been to spain many times and stayed there at many different times of the year. i was over there in october last year where the rain flooded fields and was running down the roads into the med like a feckin venetian canal. i have relatives that live over there and neither they nor any of their ex pat hangers-on have ever told me of cars being washed into the med due to rain, and ive never seen it happen either
Mmm, but they might be Gaylanders & once they're wet & the doors have dropped off anything cud happen. :D
I like it:D

excelent design..........


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