
Active Member
I have to take my rear Parabolic springs off as the bushes are Knackered. The previous owner fitted the springs and because some of the other things he did were bodged I want to check he put the right springs on the right side. How can you tell the drivers side one (bit more stiffer I believe to compensate weight) from the passenger side spring? I took A quick look underneath and they both look the same????
Parabolics are often not handed ie go either side. My set from Chris Perfect about 7.5 years ago certainly were not [believe to be TI Console]
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Parabolic springs should definitely be handed...although many of the cheaper ones are not. (decent ones like GB Springs, Rocky Mountain and Haystee are marked up when new, but difficult to tell once the paint has gone)

If you have both of them off together then stand them upside down on a flat surface and you should see that one of them stands about 10mm higher than the other (the taller one goes on the Driver's side)
Strange regarding RM not being handed, because I spent a long time researching different spring manufacturers a couple of years ago when I replaced mine and I had a definite confirmation back from RM to stating that the springs were designed to accommodate the uneven weight distribution of a Landy (although in fairness they never actually stated that they were "handed").

One of the reasons I eventually went with GB Springs on mine was the fact that they were completely aware of the need for different springs for left and right of both front and rear spring sets (as per original leaf spring sets) and springs came clearly marked for each position.

Reason for the in depth research was from originally replacing leaf springs with un-handed parabolic springs from Paddocks and despite having them replaced twice and swapping sides each time, I could not get rid of the lean...... miraculously when I finaly got my money refunded, fitted handed springs from GB and checked everything with a laser level all corners were within 2mm (actually 2mm high on the driver's side) which has now settled down to almost perfect

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