
Wife just noticed a puddle on the drive, right under my freelander!!

Just noticed the title, I know I'm Welsh.... But I meant LEAK !!!
Appears to be water, not coolant and coming from a pipe. In the photo it's the pipe which is cut off at an angle, can see the end of it just to the right of the vacuum reservoir, seems to be coming out of the bulk head. Can't draw pretty lines and arrows on my iPad I'm afraid


Just thought I'd post before I go back out and investigate further

Any thoughts, most appreciated (was just about to sit down to a curry and beer, duh!!)

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i was thinking that, wife used it today, drove 90 miles, but says the air con was not on. I had the air con on yesterday, probably first time it's been used in a while. Wonder if pipe may have been blocked with crud and now released and all the water ( condensation) came out??
As freelance said it's condensate from the air con draining from the system nothing to worry about
Yep, I guess it must be. It was the first thing I asked her, if she'd had the air con on, when she said no then that's when I thought it could be something else.
But, I've collected some, even tasted it, pure water, so I guess air con condensation it is then !! Happy days !!
I asked her, if she'd had the air con on, when she said no then that's when I thought it could be something else.
AC is 'on' when the vent dial is at 'screen' or 'screen and footwell' and the fan is 'on' ..
even if the main AC switch is 'off'
( er .. just in case you weren't aware of it :)

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