I went in to Enniskillen to the landrover people there very helpfull but could not find the leak but it has been a bit better today as last night i did tighten the tclip upto its limit which I still think might be a bit to big, but I have brought a smaller one but will be fitting that when I get home, but was told to keep the cap of the header tank on
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If I keep the cap on as told it looses water quicker and also seems a bit hesitant at times, If I leave cap off not to much water leakage and runs ok am I doing wrong or damage leaving cap off?
With the cap on the system is pressurized and so the boiling point is increased without it the boiling point is decreased and do the system will not maintain accurate cooling.

There are more technical reasons but that's about the jist of it.
i thought that myself so I am down to dublin today and tomorrow catch the ferry and hopefully home and will have to stop every 30 miles or so to check water with the cap on and then on wednesday will find that bloody leek will let you all know
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Well we made it home, we had stayed in dublin over night and it did not use any water down to Dublin at a total of 120 miles this morning I checked the water and all was ok then I checked it at the port and all was well . As we got into holyhead as the ship was docking I checked again NO BLOODY WATER! well only about 1 inch in the header tank, where on earth had it gone! So I quickly filled up and put the cap back on and drove home. Stopping evry 40 miles and it did not uses any I really can not worked this out so when at home I got onto landrover agent and ordered Bottom hose I know I called it top before but it was not it was bottom hose it will be here on Thursday and then I will strip it down and find out I must say gearbox was covered and the hesitation I mentioned , Well it is the rubbish fuel I have in really do not know what to buy in southern Ireland
solved the leak problem I went in for a hose and came out with a td4 auto hse 2006 model they said they would fix the leak

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