Just thought I would share an issue I have had with the LED headlights I have fitted to my 110 as you can see in the pic below.

You will see that these have a halo which acts as the DRLs. These halos change to flashing amber when the indicators are used.

During the MOT last week one of the many failures was that the indicators were deemed to be interfering with the halo DRLs because they were deemed to be going off when the relevant indicator was on. In order to resolve, I was going to have to get the DRL function deactivated to pass the MOT.

I took the car to another garage who could do all the other work required for the MOT and by chance they were visited by a DVLA inspector on the day and they showed the lights to him. He stated that the halos were fine as they were and did not constitute an MOT failure. Something to do with the halos having 2 sets of LEDS, one set for the DRLs and one set for the indicators. I now get to keep the lights as I want them. :)

This has highlighted to me that the MOT tester is not always right in his assessment and it is worth challenging them or getting a second opinion if you think they are incorrect.
Well I guess thats always been the case, something new or rare goes for testing and the tester hasn't seen it before. Always worth the argument if you know your right.
Years ago I had a handbrake failure (non land rover) as the tester couldn't operate the handbrake, it was resolved when I showed him he had to flick the button when it was at the top of its travel to engage the ratchet, being a lift -up/release type fitted to some rally cars and fitted as standard to my particular vw.
Says in the mot regs that you must have indicators that do not interfere with any of the other lights such as side lights, brake lights etc
Most modern Audis dim the DRLs when the front indicators come on now, and have that "scrolling" effect on the rears. Can't see how the OPs setup could be seen as illegal...
I think the white LEDs stay on when the indicator is used so therefore no interference with the DRLs. It's been a blinking nuisance to sort out ;)
On OP photo the original indicator lenses aren't the same, ones orange the other clear. Isn't that an MOT failure as well?

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