New Member
Hi - I would like to learn how to weld, probably MIG. Just general repairs to chassis, cross member, bottom of doors etc.

I looked into taking a course at the Royal Agri College in Cirencester but it runs on Tuesday evenings which does not work for me. I woudl be happy to buy a slab of beer for anyone that can teach me how to weld and give me some advice on a suitable rig.

Based in Cheltenham but happy to travel. Any takers?
If you get stuck just look on the mig welding forum, theres a few video and step by step guides on there

Its easy really
it all depend on what your welding, but dont worry its just down to handeye co-ordination and plenty of practice, loads of welders at my work 99% of them are ****ing retards with stupid little poofy beards and tashies, so proves you could teach a monkey to weld.
As Dr Evil says the welding forums are the best place for info, most guys can lay down a nice bead with a few hours practice just make sure you understand what you are doing if it is structural work.
it all depend on what your welding, but dont worry its just down to handeye co-ordination and plenty of practice, loads of welders at my work 99% of them are ****ing retards with stupid little poofy beards and tashies, so proves you could teach a monkey to weld.


You can always tell a man who is happy in his job :)
Re the welding. I haven't checked but I bet YouTube would have a load of welding videos. Might be worth a look.

Am sure there will be all manner of opinions on different welders. I would say though to get a decent welding mask with the solar operated auto darkness thing. I'm sure that many veteran welders would say that it isn't really necessary. But I've always found that the welds come out nicer if you can see what you're pointing it at when you hit the button.
Hi as mentioned welding is really rather easy just take your time hold the tip about quarter of an inch away from the metal and try a bead doing a figure of 8 that gives you a pretty good weld and dont have your amps too high when learning and experiment with your speed normally about 3 is good for learning and it takes time and patience, i taught myself how to weld MMA took a little while but got it off ok
Its all down to practice, take your time try different settings and speeds to see what suits you its really not that hard, just watch your eyes as weld eye can be quite serious
Its all down to practice, take your time try different settings and speeds to see what suits you its really not that hard, just watch your eyes as weld eye can be quite serious
yes very true that man i gave myself mild arc eye was up all night with a damp flannel on my eyes stinging like hell next morning they were fine

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