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My son will be learning to drive next year. I currently have an automatic diesel P38. I am thinking about changing to a manual one so he can be a named driver and use it too. I don't want to buy another car for him, he might be off to Uni in a couple of years and besides, we don't have the space. He will be learning in a maunal car for his lessons and test as per. A friend of mine's son learned on his Dad's manual Disco TDI and bombs about a year later no problem.

Has anyone else had a similar experience with their kids, or am I being too idealistic?

If it's not such a bad idea, then I'm looking for a manual P38 poss swop!
My son will be learning to drive next year. I currently have an automatic diesel P38. I am thinking about changing to a manual one so he can be a named driver and use it too. I don't want to buy another car for him, he might be off to Uni in a couple of years and besides, we don't have the space. He will be learning in a maunal car for his lessons and test as per. A friend of mine's son learned on his Dad's manual Disco TDI and bombs about a year later no problem.

Has anyone else had a similar experience with their kids, or am I being too idealistic?

If it's not such a bad idea, then I'm looking for a manual P38 poss swop!
the boy will take to it like a duck to water
The love of my life in the hands of my step son - over my dead body!!!:eek::eek:

How could you even think about it?? :crazy::crazy:

I suppose one good thing could come of it, he'd get loads of car maintenance practice!! :hysterically_laughi

Best you check out what the insurance is going to cost you before going any further!!
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I'd be looking for a Series 2/3 or an early 90 for a learner to start with, if he has to work on it for the mot so much the better, there just might be a bit more respect for it when driving it.

Just remind him.......You Bent it you mend it.....and of course pay for it....
I presume your son is 17 next year, hence the lessons. Apart from insurance for him, who is going to pay for the fuel? like any new driver they are not going to just go the shops and back..... But then it's a novel way of spending your uni grant!!! :eek:
Looked into my son having an old jallopy of mine ... 91 2.2 honda aerodeck nearly 2 grand as a named driver and 3 and a half as main .
He is still lookin for a car he can insure......
I like this thread :) my daughter is 6 and is already on my lap steering my Rangy when we go over the fields at my mates farm. give it another 12 months and she will be almost tall enough to do the pedals too so she will be proficient with it quite soon. and in low range she will hardly be able to launch herself too far too fast. She has already sated I am to keep it for when she is older and paint it pink!!!! ( not ruddy likely)!!!

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