old woman

New Member
More help needed I’m afraid, but more on the ‘learning zone’ rather than mechanical. I live in a fairly isolated part of the Dorset/Wilts border, near a private school. Children are constantly being ferried by mothers with very clean 4 x 4’s. I usually meet them as I travel down a rather winding steep narrow hill to work (I do gardening for ladies even older than myself). These ’mothers’ don’t like getting off the road or slowing down. And it irritates me that I am the one that has to take all the evasive action. I'm never quite confident that i can get myself out of trouble if the boggy verge is deeper than i think, I would also like to learn how to get the right sort of wheel spin so that I can plaster the ‘mothers’ clean, rather funny looking squashy looking 4 x 4’s. I apologise if the last bit sounds a bit vindictive but I recently met a ‘mother’ who had stopped in the middle of a lane, I thought she had broken down so jumped out to ask her if I could help, she said she had just washed her car and didn’t want to get it muddy… Two courses would be nice - One in basic off road techniques and another in anger management. :mad:
I find driving towards on-coming cars, screaming like a banshee with me hands over my eyes makes em' move out of my way.
I normally find people get out of the way when they realise the old series hurtling towards them at 60 ish isnt stopping.. or can't stop... they normally remember for next time.. :D
I think Stig gets out of the way every time he see's a Series landy too.. Speshly if Yella's driving it and he spots it in his rear view mirror...
i met one of these 'people' down one of the lanes down the road from me the othert day, she was 10 feet past a passing place but she took so long to reverse the 10 feet i reversed nearly 100 yards into the entrance to a field she looked a bit redfaced as she drove past in her soft roader (some slitty navara/warrior piece of shyte) i just laughed at her
it sounds like your far too polite when driving.Remeber you got a big car and dents only add to the character!Nudge the little soft roaders out of the way.Youll only have to do it once, that sort of thing sticks in the memory.
If your looking for a good days off roading course i did a land rover experience a few years back which was quite good.Look on their website for details and they often have cheaper days with short notice.
As fer anger management remember "anger leads to the darkside" yoda style.
I always drive straight at em. If they don't get out of the way, I stop, switch off, pick up a newspaper and start reading. They soon get the message that I aint gonna reverse!
shoulda clarified.....affixed to tailgate military style all legal like


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it sounds like your far too polite when driving.Remeber you got a big car and dents only add to the character!Nudge the little soft roaders out of the way.Youll only have to do it once, that sort of thing sticks in the memory.
If your looking for a good days off roading course i did a land rover experience a few years back which was quite good.Look on their website for details and they often have cheaper days with short notice.
As fer anger management remember "anger leads to the darkside" yoda style.

re off road course - did you use your own LR or do they provide one of theirs (last thing i need is more repairs)? Used to go as a passenger with my brother in law in the 80's and besides spending most of my time getting the side of my head smashed in when we went over 'bumps' he seemed to be constantly breaking bits and pieces off...
nah - yer kin git dun fer avin a fensive weapon fer that. carry a 24" adjustable spanner though an they cant touch yer - iss fer mendin me landy osscifer!;)

Not if it's a new one and you happen to have the head lying around in the back. You've picked it up from a car boot the other day and haven't got round to sticking it in the garage. or carry a 3ft 1/2" bar with a 52mm socket on it. that'll scare the ****e out of em.

HB usually waves her chainsaw out the window at em
i was in a rush and it was quicker for me to reverse the 100yards than have the 'if you cant reverse 10foot you should not be on the road' talk with her if i had my trailer on she woulda got out of my way because i hate reversing distance with it oh i have a wrecking bar in my toolbox for emergency use
Not if it's a new one and you happen to have the head lying around in the back. You've picked it up from a car boot the other day and haven't got round to sticking it in the garage. or carry a 3ft 1/2" bar with a 52mm socket on it. that'll scare the ****e out of em.
Whats wrong with the starting handle? nothing wrong with carrying one on them.
Also i adopt the drive straight at them approach followed by the your move look.

Nealy ****ed myself the other day when a nice new shiny mclaren merk leaped out of my way and up a mud bank (Get a old series).:D
my erm weapon of choice ta swing is a two foot 1/2 inch drive bar i use for wheel nuts and many other veriety's of nuts i may come across :D

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