
Active Member
Battery draining. Pulled all the fuses and no amps measured anywhere. Then tested main live feed to starter motor and there is a constant 3ampo draw with everything turned off. So that's what's draining the battery, but what would it be? Short in the solenoid? Starter is only about a month old!
Depending on which engine you have I think there is a cable linking the starter input solenoid and the alternator output. Depending on how/where you measured the 3 amps it could be the alternator causing the drain, Could try disconnecting alt output and see if the drain has gone.
Thanks, did that. Still a drain to the motor with absolutely nothing connected. Must be dodgy motor

Don't no much about electrics but did you check for low power between body and chassis my bro checked this on mine as I have a charging prob on mine but still charging, just a thought :)
You generally find that the alternator output goes to the battery via the starter solenoid.

Therefore the starter does not have a feed to it, but the solenoid does, and that is activated when you turn the key to engage the solenoid which in turn energises the starter motor.

The alternator output is governed by a small control unit which contains diodes. Diodes only allow the voltage/current to flow one way, and if one of those fails then it is highly likely and that the voltage/current is discharging back through the alternator coils.

Also check your earth straps!
How are you actually measuring this leakage current (at the battery with one terminal disconnected or at the starter with the main cable disconnected)?
Ok. I totally isolated the starter, taking off any feeds to the alternator and the solenoid. I then totally isolated any other feeds from battery and disconnected positive lead. I then put an ammeter between battery and positive lead to start and measured the 3 amp draw. So there was only one possible culprit, i.e the starter. My garage man has subsequently agreed, said the starter was faulty and earthing through and got me another on warranty

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