lynall what can I say..? I think if people take the time to ask a question, then they should be prepared to end the thread with an explanation of a the outcome. Don’t get me wrong, I think we’ve all been guilty of that at sometime or another, but on the whole, long term members are the ones who appreciate the benefit of documenting outcomes.

I’ve not fitted nothing yet, but I have ordered some black silicone ones of ebay.

FAO Mod. Would it be possible to merge this thread with my other one ‘300TDI Turbo/Intercooler Hose’ - There seems to be an awful lot of crossover and confusing to other members. Sorry wasn’t my intention.
Is there another Mod after our beloved blue beasty stepped down?
Think theres at least two whos names I have seen?
Pretty certain BB is back as well.
Is BB back on active duty? I know he's still posting on the forum, but haven't seen any of his wise, timely comments used to keep the ship on an even keel. Miss those :(
Hope everything is ok now.
Thanks A2103, life has to go on I guess. It is incredible how quickly your world can unexpectedly turn upside down though. My poor Landy has been virtually parked up for the best part of 24 month, just the occasional little drive. People have often asked me why I’ve not sold it, but I have to many memories tied up in the old girl. Hence trying to sort all of these niggles out now.
Is BB back on active duty? I know he's still posting on the forum, but haven't seen any of his wise, timely comments used to keep the ship on an even keel. Miss those :(

TBH I have no idea if BB back on duty, I just see hes posting agiain ao assumed (perhaps incorrectly) he was back in his old role.

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