
It had been a few weeks since I posted but my 2001 TD5 now has a new rear door care of SPL (very helpful), also new door hinges all round and new seals. Doors don't now bounce up and down when driving - hooray. Rear door was quite a lot of work to fit but all now in and done. Used SPL spray service - v good on the door, average on the hinges.

On the leak front I am getting water dripping onto my right/accelerator foot when driving after the car has been rained on. Any clues to shorten the detective work?

thanks in advance:D
Now that it's a nice day get someone to spray the vehicle with hosepipe.
Start on the front. Mine has a leak which comes in via the little indentation under the windscreen seal. It then gets behind the door seal and runs and dips down the inside.
The other leak may be the roof but you should see that dripping from higher up.

There's a manual in a download showing how to stop water ingress. I'm sure you will find it on general search or I will try and find the link.
on the leak front - mine had the same symptoms and turned out to be the windscreen-bulkhead bracket/hinge gasket. Quick and easy fix and costs pennies :)
It had been a few weeks since I posted but my 2001 TD5 now has a new rear door care of SPL (very helpful), also new door hinges all round and new seals. Doors don't now bounce up and down when driving - hooray. Rear door was quite a lot of work to fit but all now in and done. Used SPL spray service - v good on the door, average on the hinges.

On the leak front I am getting water dripping onto my right/accelerator foot when driving after the car has been rained on. Any clues to shorten the detective work?

thanks in advance:D

What's the door like mate, I need a new one but arnt they the old style?
Did your door card and wiper motor fit?
here is the old door... will get a pic of the new one tomorrow


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on the leak front - mine had the same symptoms and turned out to be the windscreen-bulkhead bracket/hinge gasket. Quick and easy fix and costs pennies :)

+1 had bad leaks both sides, and found bodged sealing on the windscreen hinge bolts, new gaskets cheap and worked!
SPL were very helpful. The glass fitting on the new door was fiddly as one had to re drill all the holes for the fixing plates. Getting the wiring back in for the elec window and top brake light was very interesting! I decided that I no longer needed a rear washer at this stage :). Door card was new from flea bay, small modifications required but ok. Regards
Herewith some photos, went for the separate wheel carrier...


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