I was joking!

Smoke machine is not a bad idea, actually. Might try that one myself.

Well it's on my shopping list too but need to get the suspension bushes and A frame bushes/bearing done before I start messing with other stuff :D
Well it's on my shopping list too but need to get the suspension bushes and A frame bushes/bearing done before I start messing with other stuff :D
Well once you have, you can pop over here and have a look at my wiring!! Great tutorials you posted by the way, really useful, but still doesn't do much to curb my feelings of helplessness when I look at the huge loom of wires running across my dash! We could have a smoke party. Smoke machine, electrical arcing. Just need a 200dB bass and we'll have an old fashioned rave!!
You can buy a smoke device which burns quickly and creates 18 cubic meters of smoke to find leaks. Someone on lz was talking about them recently but can't find the fred now. Cheap anorl.
One would think the drafts from the poor fitting panels would be enough air flow to keep condensation out.
Hi Hippo,
I did mention in my post, finding bare inner roof running with water each mourning, and thats what I did to cure the problem. Result . For me anyway.
Regards Leemarb

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