
New Member
Hi guys,
posted some of this info up in another part of the forum but thought I'd post it here too as this is the Discovery section.

I've recently bought a 1996 Discovery and asides from a few worn bits and 2 spots of corrosion it is a sound truck. However last week it started leaking engine oil from somewhere above the oil filter. When sat cold it does not leak but after a run there is alot of oil which is concerning. I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a novice and I'm asking if any of you more experienced Land Rover owners have any idea where it could be coming from. At the moment it is dripping from above the oil filter, onto the oil filter and running onto the diff. Obviously when moving the oil gets blown back, making a mess however it I am positive this is the route it's taking.

Please don't give the answer of "google it" as whenever I do it brings me to Landy Zone anyway to another oil issue...something about a hub.

Thanks gents (and ladies)

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