
Active Member
Hey Up,

Noticed Im losing diesel and managed to trace it.Only seemed to start last night.
Im not sure if its just some sort of a gasket that needs replacing but i could do with knowing what its called so over to the experts,

Cheerz in Advance

Thats where mine started to leak from. Fix it before it gets worse... I had mine reconditioned but you can do some of the seals yourself
that kit looks about right its a simple job send me your email and il send you my step by step guide you can.usually contact the sellers with your pump type/number to make sure.
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If you're taking the top part of the pump off you need to mark up on all sides to cover left/right, forward/back and twist. Be as gentle as you can with the security bolt. Most people just hammer a (7mm?) socket on it but be gentle!
Won't he do all of them while he's about it? When one goes the others are about to.
I believe the OP asked what the circled part was. To be honest pump looks like it needs a good coat of looking at.
Just wanted to update the thread but then the forum has had a facelift lol.
I would like to say a big thanks for the document i got sent by biketeacherdave.
It wasn't leaking from where i though at the beginning but from the pump as you guys said.
I haven't got time myself to get it done but i will be getting my mechanic to get it sorted for me with the help of that doc.
Cheerz again everyone.

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