
New Member
I am shipping water into the front passenger foot well,I don't think it is when wading so assume it is from high er up when raining,any ideas?:confused:
yes you could have blocked drain pipes from the evaporator. have a look see under neath and there should be two pipe, one each side just under the centre bit where yer ac is. stick a bit of wire up em and make sure they are clear
Also if you have had aircon on for a significant amount of time ICE can form on the box under pass side hand grip/airbag area this can be quite a lot, this then obviously defrosts and soaks your floor! my RR used to do it the fix is dont have aircon on full for a long time and turn it down a little. it could also be the heater matrix pipes that come from engine bay {x2} have a good poke around behind lower middle dash with engine running to see if you can see a leak. due to lack of rain l8ly i would imagine it's somthing like these. Keep us info'd:D
if it is a disco11 and the carpet(or rather the sponge underneath is sopping wet)the carpet can appear to dry out by the way,there was a panel on my disco which is in the bulkhead underneath the big plastic cover on the near side which was not tightened up properly from manufacture, it is about 8 inches by 3 inches and looks like it should of been bolted on the outside rather than being on the inside,this is where water came in when it rained i loosened the captive bolts a little and bunged some mastic in(sorted)
Just a thought that might be worth checking. If it happens after rain, check that the air intakes and surroundings for heater system are free from rubbish. I once went out to my vehicle to find 3 inches of water in the footwell. After much head scratching I found the area surrounding the intakes had become clogged and the rain wasn't draining away and filled up to a point where it started to tun down and through the heater system into the footwell. A really heavy downpour resulted in a very soggy car. This might not be possible on a disco but is worth checking.
Re Leak

Thanks guys 4 all the great input took all headlining off [what a job!!] an sprayed roof/windscreen with water,eventually found water on inside of screen right in top corner,then found a gob of mastic at the end of the roof gutter had a crack in it hooked all old stuff out new stuff in & in recent rain no more wet carpet.

Have checked all other bits as per post & cleaned as advised just in case,thanks again 4 input

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