
Active Member
I occasionally get the hollow bolts which connect the leak off pipe to the injector bodie coming loose and getting diesel everywhere. I tighten as much as I dare! Has anyone used Loctite on these at all please?
I occasionally get the hollow bolts which connect the leak off pipe to the injector bodie coming loose and getting diesel everywhere. I tighten as much as I dare! Has anyone used Loctite on these at all please?

Dont use sealant. Try new copper washers, followed by new banjos or whatever. If they are good, they never loosen or leak at all.

Is this a 2.5na, Tdi ?
TDI, will try new washers then

Way to go. The washers should be new every time, although you can get away with a few uses. Re-annealing them helps, you will get a few more goes. And when they fitings are very old they can wear from regular unscrewing of the hollow screws. New banjos and screws are only a few quid. Try washers first.
If everything is right, the merest pressure with a spanner will seal, should be no need to ovetighten.
Ah misread it, theres a fix with a snapped banjo bolt, usualy it snaps where the hole is drilled through, if it snaps there, you can usually get a flat bladed screwdriver in there and unscrew it
wot he sed.......

sorry I can see how it could be misread....I broke one off the other day rushing.....dashed annoying

cylinder head... I skim read it and took it to mean head had to come off once bolt sheared, re-read and realised my mistake

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