poss next year - to the Classique

Me too, have heard its superb.

Anyhow, we probably won't do so well this year, I've had to limit the 110 to 180mph 'cos the mud terrains start getting a tad warm , and besides the chickens in the back get a bit scared with the canvas flapping about. ;)


Seriously tho its a great lads trip :beer2:, i'll post some piccies when we get back.
3 weeks to go!

Can't wait, am going in my 110 and my mate's bringing his 101.

Anyone else going?

Also heading down in a 110 - Its out official le mans support vehicle. Although I have a feeling i might have to leave a day earlier than the others going down just so we can all arrive at the same time..
Just got back. Had a fantastic time. Mucho beers, laughs, Guinness tent, superb motor racing, bbqs, and Landy didn't miss a beat. Homemade potato-motar from drain pipes and Eezy start! Recommend it to anyone. Hopefully be going again next year.






You didnt happen to get the 14:15 ferry from Le Havre did you? back to portsmouth.. im sure i saw a landy just like that one!
The very one. Were you in the green 110? Did you have a good time?

Yep - green 110 - got there and back without missing a beat.. which is always a pleasant suprise -

was a busy couple of days.. we only got there on the friday so was a pretty quick weekend (we normally get there on the wednesday)... i always swear that the next year we will watch more of the actual race though!

which campsite were you guys at? we were at Blue Nord - which was much more relaxed than where we had been for the past couple of years
Was also in Blue nord - near the airstrip. Watching the burnouts on Mad Friday was a highlight, also cycling to Arnage and Mulsanne (on an old skool Raleigh Burner with rucksack rammed with beer and crisps). Would like to camp at Maison Blanche next time, and make a viewing platform either on top of the 101 or 110.

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