
New Member
My 2003 Vogue does not shut the doors and sunroof when I hold the lock button down, does this have to be enabled by a main agent or is it possible via a laptop and the correct cable ?
You ask a reasonable question and you get toss pot answers, your so funny mate you should be on the ****in stage !!!!!!!
He is on the stage I went to see him last week. the guy is fooking amazing.

I've never seen anyone sweep the floor as good as he does it. :lol:
I just love his catchphrase...... "Bollocks", can i have your autograph? (this is how you trick him in to saying his catchphrase!!!)
You ask a reasonable question and you get toss pot answers, your so funny mate you should be on the ****in stage !!!!!!!

7 posts and he already needs a new sense of humour! ****! go to the dealer a pay full wack you miserable little ****!
As i suspected, this site is full of smart arse ****ers **** the lot of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad bastards!
As i suspected, this site is full of smart arse ****ers **** the lot of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad bastards!

FFS didn't you have a look around before you joined?? Surely no one can be that thick that they'd just join a forum without having a read through previous posts. Or god forbid doing a search to see if their problem had been mentioned before!!:eek:

I mean you'd have to be one sad thick moronic bastid to do summat like that..:D :D :p
Go **** yourself goonarmy, ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smithy also forgot to read the rules about pm's as well.Cocky little ****e has got a big mouth.Hope you have to shut all yer windows one by one then the sunroof.Oh the hardship!!!!:doh:
why cant we all just... second thoughts, he deserved that!

all he had to do was search the site, ask nicely and respond in a witty way to any witty posts he may recieve!

thats what happens when you buy a car you can ill afford to have repaired or be prepared to research and fix yourself!

i assume he has gone to go figure out how to fix his windows and lick his wounds!
I am so sorry Redhand, I didn't realise I had joined a mutual cock-sucking society thought it was for help and advice. I am out of here, haven't the time for this crap,
got a life see! shame you haven't. As I have said to goonarmy, I asked a simple question and got a load of smartarse answers back. If you don't want **** back don't throw it!!!
Reply if you want, you probably will, but I wont be reading it, some people need to have to have the last word to keep up the pretence that what they say is really important, I really couldn't give a toss, so carry on mate, call me whatever you want, the floors yours.
what is it with stroppy newbies lately.... i int sucked or ever will suck anyone cock ?

bet yer great fun in the pub when everyones takin the ****

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