
Well-Known Member
Right, I've enjoyed most of my time here but constantly being told to STFU despite (or because of) documentary proof that someone is wrong has made it a jolly unpleasant place to be.
Many members have had the same feeling so I'm not alone.
I have created a new thread as I refuse to continue to hijack another members post.
One member is a beligerant nasty piece of work who is giving out incorrect information.
This member, despite significant knowledge of the P38 is a detriment to this otherwise excellent forum.
I'm out. I don't need old farts like him talking to me like a piece of sh"t.

Goodbye and thanks to all the decent people on here who have helped over the years.

If anyone wants to talk to me, pm me.

Here is my video showing me following the instructions below.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ibvl3r2cxuxyow2/2020-08-14 12.57.44.mp4?dl=0

For the avoidance of doubt, here is the members description of how to turn off the eka and immobiliser which he insists can be done without entering EKA first.

Goto P38 > EDC > then click right hand green arrow until you see BECM. Click on BECM, then settings, then Alarm. Top of first page is immobiliser that will need setting disabled. Click on right hand green arrow until you see EKA that willneed setting disabled. You can't do anything on emulator but will be able to when plugged into car. To put BECM into diagnostic mode Leave ignition OFF. Plug Nanocom in wait until it loads then goto BECM as above. After a few seconds dash message will read Diagnostic mode. Follow above then when immobiliser and EKA have been set disabled, go back one page by pressing red cross and select write settings. wait for Nanocom to do it's thing. Switch Nanocom off. Switch ignition on message should go and car will start. DO NOT start car with Nanocom on. Always switch it off before operating starter
Right, I've enjoyed most of my time here but constantly being told to STFU despite (or because of) documentary proof that someone is wrong has made it a jolly unpleasant place to be.
Many members have had the same feeling so I'm not alone.
I have created a new thread as I refuse to continue to hijack another members post.
One member is a beligerant nasty piece of work who is giving out incorrect information.
This member, despite significant knowledge of the P38 is a detriment to this otherwise excellent forum.
I'm out. I don't need old farts like him talking to me like a piece of sh"t.

Goodbye and thanks to all the decent people on here who have helped over the years.

If anyone wants to talk to me, pm me.

Here is my video showing me following the instructions below.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ibvl3r2cxuxyow2/2020-08-14 12.57.44.mp4?dl=0

For the avoidance of doubt, here is the members description of how to turn off the eka and immobiliser which he insists can be done without entering EKA first.

Goto P38 > EDC > then click right hand green arrow until you see BECM. Click on BECM, then settings, then Alarm. Top of first page is immobiliser that will need setting disabled. Click on right hand green arrow until you see EKA that willneed setting disabled. You can't do anything on emulator but will be able to when plugged into car. To put BECM into diagnostic mode Leave ignition OFF. Plug Nanocom in wait until it loads then goto BECM as above. After a few seconds dash message will read Diagnostic mode. Follow above then when immobiliser and EKA have been set disabled, go back one page by pressing red cross and select write settings. wait for Nanocom to do it's thing. Switch Nanocom off. Switch ignition on message should go and car will start. DO NOT start car with Nanocom on. Always switch it off before operating starter

That is how it is done, as said you don't have a clue what you are doing judging by the video that is. Man up and accept that there are people who know more than you do. Listen and learn. You will know by now i do not suffer fools gladly, stop being a fool and all will be fine. One thing i cannot stand is people like you and a few others giving out false information. I will always reserve the right to correct misinformation. You will note that on your video there was no diagnostic mode message on dash. Which there HAS to be.
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Wammers. You've helped me on numerous occasions and got me out of serious fixes. It's obvious you have immense respect, but, people don't know everything from birth. Some may contribute in the sincere belief they're being helpful. Even if they're down and out, dead in the water wrong there's ways of dealing with people. I was made to feel uncomfortable on this forum by a previous hi jacking Crew. I regret I no longer visit landyzone, even though I'm a total ignoramus in need of guidance, because of reprimands being handed out. If Paul's true to his word, landyzone will be the loser. Shame all round.
Wammers. You've helped me on numerous occasions and got me out of serious fixes. It's obvious you have immense respect, but, people don't know everything from birth. Some may contribute in the sincere belief they're being helpful. Even if they're down and out, dead in the water wrong there's ways of dealing with people. I was made to feel uncomfortable on this forum by a previous hi jacking Crew. I regret I no longer visit landyzone, even though I'm a total ignoramus in need of guidance, because of reprimands being handed out. If Paul's true to his word, landyzone will be the loser. Shame all round.

He is wrong but will not listen, just as Keith was wrong to mod his cooling and remove his viscous fan then hope everything would work correctly. He caused his own problem then goes off the deep end when people point that out. I have done on several occasions what Wazzi is saying cannot be done. That is because he does not understand what he is trying to do and not using the correct methods. In order to carry out certain functions in the BECM it HAS to be in DIAGNOSTIC MODE with a message to that effect on the dash message centre. If the BECM is not in diagnostic mode, what he is trying to do cannot be achieved. Is that too difficult for him to understand? Just as with Keith expecting the engine to obtain a stable temp at idle for modulation readings when the item that enables that stable temp is under a bench in his garage. Totally ridiculous logic. It sometimes gets very frustrating when people who don't have a clue propose stupid things.
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Right, I've enjoyed most of my time here but constantly being told to STFU despite (or because of) documentary proof that someone is wrong has made it a jolly unpleasant place to be.
Many members have had the same feeling so I'm not alone.
I have created a new thread as I refuse to continue to hijack another members post.
One member is a beligerant nasty piece of work who is giving out incorrect information.
This member, despite significant knowledge of the P38 is a detriment to this otherwise excellent forum.
I'm out. I don't need old farts like him talking to me like a piece of sh"t.

Goodbye and thanks to all the decent people on here who have helped over the years.

If anyone wants to talk to me, pm me.

Here is my video showing me following the instructions below.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ibvl3r2cxuxyow2/2020-08-14 12.57.44.mp4?dl=0

For the avoidance of doubt, here is the members description of how to turn off the eka and immobiliser which he insists can be done without entering EKA first.

Goto P38 > EDC > then click right hand green arrow until you see BECM. Click on BECM, then settings, then Alarm. Top of first page is immobiliser that will need setting disabled. Click on right hand green arrow until you see EKA that willneed setting disabled. You can't do anything on emulator but will be able to when plugged into car. To put BECM into diagnostic mode Leave ignition OFF. Plug Nanocom in wait until it loads then goto BECM as above. After a few seconds dash message will read Diagnostic mode. Follow above then when immobiliser and EKA have been set disabled, go back one page by pressing red cross and select write settings. wait for Nanocom to do it's thing. Switch Nanocom off. Switch ignition on message should go and car will start. DO NOT start car with Nanocom on. Always switch it off before operating starter

I Had to search for STFU found this lol........:D:D

You can’t go ...
You’ve not sold me the cover yet! :eek:

We all bicker, is part of the parcel of a forum of differing views. Is part of what makes this place great. So is the community which means you.
I Thankyou for your help, criticisms and encouragement you have given me, good or bad :)
Ok I will take a slap for that idea o_O:D
Only thing i will say is if you pay £500.00 for a Nanocom learn how to use it. That way you won't post videos of you obviously not having a clue what you are doing and making a fool of yourself.
I have to say that I think the two gentlemen should get together and discuss it face to face and each show the other their "method" and come to an agreement and do a joint post on "How" it should be done perhaps?
The bad vibes are a distraction.
Personally, I am always grateful for help from anyone that knows more than I do (so that's most peeps on here ;)).
I do hope anyone feeling "bruised" can take a moment and regroup and stay with us; because we all have a part to play in this merry dance of ours.

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