Ok, dispite the weather over the last two weeks I managed to get the grand total of about 12 hours on the car.

It's back together again with a mod, no air con. Done 100 miles in it today and all is good. I just need to spend a couple of hours now aligning the bonnet properly and cleaning it out.

Roll on Morocco..


Looks like you have done a good repair. Nice to see some one else fixing and keeping on the road an other disco. There's way to many scraped.
Good work there ;)

What is it with your front bumper??? Looks H/D but also std :confused::confused::confused:

Looks like you have done a good repair. Nice to see some one else fixing and keeping on the road an other disco. There's way to many scraped.

You're not wrong there lad, I have been rebuilding mine and I can say that I am amazed at the poorly executed repairs of previous owners who wouldn't scrap it as it was worth 10X scrap money over here sold for export :eek::eek::eek:

But hey, I have repaired almost everything now and there is no welding left to do just want to take the rear quarters off in the summer but that's it.
Good work there ;)

What is it with your front bumper??? Looks H/D but also std :confused::confused::confused:

You're not wrong there lad, I have been rebuilding mine and I can say that I am amazed at the poorly executed repairs of previous owners who wouldn't scrap it as it was worth 10X scrap money over here sold for export :eek::eek::eek:

But hey, I have repaired almost everything now and there is no welding left to do just want to take the rear quarters off in the summer but that's it.

Don't get me started on poor repairs, just about finished my rebuild and found a few poor repairs that I ended up redoing, should prob add that section to my project thread. Quarters off is the only thing I have not done to mine so far lol
Looking good!
You've not engaged the two little pins on the bottom of the n/s front indicator with the hockey stick. Give it a gentle tug outwards and upwards against the retaining spring next time you've got the bonnet up and they'll drop into place and make the lamp sit square. Either that or the top mount on the hockey stick has cracked and wants gluing back together!
I spent ages trying to get the front end of mine aligned properly when I had it painted. Apparently patience is a virtue! ;)
Looking good!
You've not engaged the two little pins on the bottom of the n/s front indicator with the hockey stick. Give it a gentle tug outwards and upwards against the retaining spring next time you've got the bonnet up and they'll drop into place and make the lamp sit square. Either that or the top mount on the hockey stick has cracked and wants gluing back together!
I spent ages trying to get the front end of mine aligned properly when I had it painted. Apparently patience is a virtue! ;)

I think I need to move the hockey stick and remember to do the clips, so yes your right, then it will look ok me thinks, I'm just impresses the wing lined up after I seam welded the inner wing together from 2 cars and a replacement panel.

I feel I'm a true land rover owner now I've bodged up a mess. :eek:
Blimey, that accident was so bad it smashed the wing into the shape of a snorkel! :hysterically_laughi
Blimey, that accident was so bad it smashed the wing into the shape of a snorkel! :hysterically_laughi


Good init, maybe we could all make them that way. That snorkel is really strong.

I've just been chuffed getting it back on the road.
yeah I bet, Im just returning mine to factory fresh, or as fresh as i can get it on a budget, before I start modding it. But as im starting a new job soon, and it being an auto, I am doing a few bits to the ecu and engine to get the mpg up lol
The snorkel and decat made the change to mine. That and a good service. I get about 30mpg on a steady run and 27 mixed, off road 20mpg.
I get about the same as it is. I am looking to upgrade the torque converter to a modified one soon so the gearbox has more drive and less slip, should improve economy massively.
Thats a good bit of repair work though! I need to get another mig as my arc welder is no good for tidy welding. Then I can tackle the floating rear floor and rotten inner wings and sills.

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