
New Member
Well hello all!
Wifey (the long suffering type) and I, after "plenty" of years of marriage and never quite getting around to it have, well, finally got around to it. We've taken the plunge and bought a nearly new "vanilla" 110 TDCi Stationwagon, which I reckon is sufficiently big enough to accommodate the children, dogs, camping gear, kitchen sink e.t.c. in it.
What's been surprising is that when you shyly mention that, "yes, we're buying a car designed 67 years ago aren't we silly ha, ha" - how many rational, sane people who you thought you knew well suddenly reveal their own secret Landy fetish. Heart warming stuff.
Less heart warming is how desirable they are to thieves. Nevertheless; forewarned is forearmed and we have spent over £1k on security, which I'll not detail but has been decided on after lots of careful scrutiny of your postings. So thank you to all those who have taken the time to contribute, its been extremely informative and I hope will help to keep our truck on our own driveway for a very long time.
Roll on.
wow have u got armed guards lol...welcome by the way...mine has a tracker..wont stop it getting nicked but I will know where it is lol