
New Member
Right, this is my big idea i thort it would be realy cool if everyone on here came together to plan a trip from England to cape town. Using peoples past experience and dream routs to make an ideal route coving the best of Africa from sum grate off road to amassing sights. The more people that get involved in this i think the better making it a real big project strata from landyzone.co.uk if we could also get a load of people to do the trip from the web site i think that would be prity dam cool as well.

Plz post yore thorts and ideas about this and lets get started
Fuchin brilliant idea!

we carnt all take 4 months orf
we couldnt even organise a trip to France for a w/e
who is going to organise and collate the info?
ide quite happily pull all the info together map it on google maps plan it i just need the info and input.

i understand not everyone can take that time of but ide be able to do it i have a spare place in my car and ime shore maby a few others will be able to make it.

but ither way i think it would be cool to see what we could get planed as a potential trip between us all.
MHM is right, most of the peeps on here are so busy at work, or so whipped, that they battle to get out one Sunday a month :)

But it's a brilliant idea in theory :D
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i appreciate that and when i had this idea i was under no illusion that there would be a mass of people lining up to go on the trip but i still think we should try plan something and then leave it all up on the web site so when people do get the money and time its there. plus itle just be quite interesting to see where it would take us in theory.
Have a look in the expeditions section ....

So many places to go, so many places to see ... there are mini expeditions and green-laning trips every weekend if you looked, all over the country.

That said, I'd love to do it, but no chance whatsoever, time, money, family, work etc .... good luck. ;)
i like the idea as well, but seeing as there's people on here who've probably never been outside their own county isn't such a far away destination just a little too ambitious ?
i understand people wont be able to go but ime just torking about in theory 'if you could' what would you do dusent mean you have to go of and do it.

i am lucky anuf that from this summer i do have a year off and will do it if it all gets planed. i will post loads of updates and picks along the way so you can see haw its all going but i just thort it would be cool if everyone brorte all there ideas to the the table.

ps - i have a spair seat going in my car ....

if say i wonted to go throu moroco is it best to just b-line it strate there throu france and spain and then get the ferry into morocco ???
Hope ya aint thinkin of advertisin LZ on ya vehicle.......peeps wont find us.... using "lanndyzone" :rolleyes: :p:p ;)
I'd still say you're best bet is to post this in the expedition section.

That way you won't **** more people off with the typical 'newbie knows best' syndrome ...
i new it was in the right bit just thort ide keep my mouth shut and keep the peace. but i do admit to the spelling kinda dislexic not being lazy

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