DJ Xan

Active Member
Laning with Italians

Recently myself and Just Debs took a trip round Europe with a long stay in Italy to get married. Angela (Mandy) and her husband Carlo agreed to be are witness's.
As part of our time in Italy Angela had arranged a laning trip for us, unable to make the trip herself as her Landy was out of service she handed us over to some friends and sent us on our way.
A couple of hours drive saw us in the Dolomite national park. We set up camp and checked into the event along with nearly a hundred others.
That evening we met up with the rest of our group and became the new members of the Jambo Club 4x4. We were famous, they all had been told that we had just got married and the drinks flowed in celebration.
The next morning at check in we got given our notes for the route, met up with the group and prepped to go. This is laning on a grand scale with nearly a hundred vehicles of varying types from a Fiat Panda up to heavily modified Nissan Patrols and Toyota Landcruisers and non modified Landy's .
We started of at about 400m above sea and climbed to around 1500m giving us some stunning views across the Dolomites. This altitude was achieved twice in the day, the first being our lunch break.
Here are some pics.

The river bed. If in doubt flat out.

Just one of the amazing views from the track.

Lunch break at 1500m. This was again organised with a buffet style lunch.

Our group.

More stunning scenery.

The journey back down.

The tightest switchback had to be reversed back by all.

Second stop for the day again at altitude.

Before we knew it we were back at camp. All members of Jambo club on the day.

Ready for dinner.

Our mention on the Jambo website.

Sorry for lack of action photos but we were to busy taking in the scenery.
To sum up our Italian laning adventure we both had a really enjoyable time and would like to thank Angela for organising our trip and new friends to guide us, Prialpi for organising the event and of course all the members of Jambo Club 4x4 who made us feel so welcome.
This event happens every year on the first weekend of July. We hope to be attending next year if we can.
Looks great DJ. We're returning from a Southern Alps trip. Wife says she won't go back as it was so scary for her. Laning height up to 3000m, camping as high as 2200m. Used old military trails. Will post a few photos on return....
Really pleased you guys had such a good time and look forward to doing some more laning in Italy next year. I highly recommend the Jambo Club laning trip usually in mid April in Valpollicella, Verona. It's one of the best laning trips in the North Italian calendar with access to lanes that are open just that one day per year.

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Really pleased you guys had such a good time and look forward to doing some more laning in Italy next year. I highly recommend the Jambo Club laning trip usually in mid April in Valpollicella, Verona. It's one of the best laning trips in the North Italian calendar with access to lanes that are open just that one day per year.

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Ok that sound good, I will have a rethink on next years holiday. We missed some parts of Germany we wanted to see so it could factor in to that.
And hopefully I'll have a land rover that works by then :D

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Looks great DJ. We're returning from a Southern Alps trip. Wife says she won't go back as it was so scary for her. Laning height up to 3000m, camping as high as 2200m. Used old military trails. Will post a few photos on return....

I'd like to see those, we went up to Tende using the military roads and then spent the night up there. 48 switchbacks and I think we only got round 10 in one turn.
Looks fabulous , glad you guys had a memorable time ...what a great way to spend a honeymoon ...:)
congrats on your marriage both :) hope to see you at a LZ event soon :D

The pictures look great.

I will be in Milan in a couple of days, shame i dont have access to my defender :( Think im going to the lakes though :)
Thanks to all.
We have a week in the lakes in October so might pick some locals brains for laning routes/ maybe guided or organise a group.
Guided. I wouldn't have had a clue where to go. Armed with a little knowledge though, I'd tackle it myself next time. My wife wouldn't go back though, too frightening for her lol
Guided. I wouldn't have had a clue where to go. Armed with a little knowledge though, I'd tackle it myself next time. My wife wouldn't go back though, too frightening for her lol

There did seam to be a few hairy moments , and like most vids , sometimes they don't give the full feeling of how much the landscape is sloped , where the edge dropped away , i bet it was much steeper than it looked ..:eek:
You must have had such a brilliant feeling of achievement though - nice one.
MudFever- yes, scary at times. The rear sliding off the edge at the snow was a trouser moment lol. At times there was a sheer 1000 foot drop off alongside. Sally did not like that! It was scary going through the tunnel, packed with cows, especially when one mounted another in an attempt to run in fear. I feared for the side of the car.
DJ XAN - yes, it was near Tende.

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