We could meet by the church at quatt at around 11 ish on sat if thats ok with you and bennybenny or if it's too short notice sun at 11
I would tag along too but after a little trip in Wales i have a few things to sort/investigate!!....:doh:
just use the universal tool ------ a lump hammer usually sorts 99 % of all faults or just turn the radio up :D
another fine day on the lanes .....did some of the best lanes ive ever done really good and technical .....great fords too ......really really good day ....!
another fine day on the lanes .....did some of the best lanes ive ever done really good and technical .....great fords too ......really really good day ....!

totally agree really good day out ,lost top of snorkel :doh:but gained a tree strop and shackle:D
totally agree really good day out ,lost top of snorkel :doh:but gained a tree strop and shackle:D

Jammy G**. Good day out again, glad you both found the lanes interesting. I'll have a look for a route further out next time, but it'll probable be a whole day after Billing.
I would tag along too but after a little trip in Wales i have a few things to sort/investigate!!....

Nothing to drastic or serious I hope. I would feel bad if there was :eek:
Hello all i am a mate of bennys would love to come on the next one if some one could give me more than a couple of hours notice:) But im on here now and can keep track me self:rolly:
Cheers will be nice to meet some new faces :) Dont get muddy half as much as i would like looking forward to your next outing if its ok to tag along? Thats if Mule (My series 2a) dont break down or something vital drop off him before then :eek:

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