Seems like everyone had a good day. Hopefully we'll get out again soon. :D

You'd better!

Only a month until im back home. :D

Seen the pics on FB, loks like you had a good one, top stuff.
off topic a bit but Friday
A Defender owner tried to go down Asterton (near the Gliding CLUB)west side of the Mynd the road was slick with ice and the fender ended up close to going off the edge:eek:
The owner sat with his foot brake PRESSED to the floor whilst his wife and four dogs got out and called for help.
Today the road(Burway) remains closed from Stretton but it dosn't stop folks from driving round the signs and attempting the climb.
off topic a bit but Friday
A Defender owner tried to go down Asterton (near the Gliding CLUB)west side of the Mynd the road was slick with ice and the fender ended up close to going off the edge:eek:
The owner sat with his foot brake PRESSED to the floor whilst his wife and four dogs got out and called for help.
Today the road(Burway) remains closed from Stretton but it dosn't stop folks from driving round the signs and attempting the climb.

Doesn't supprise me with some people as that has always been a dangerous stretch of road.
So who was out in stretton this morning around 9 am ?
5 maybe 6 landies,including a very nice sounding green Defender V8?
and one with Staffs 4x4 emblazened down the side
So who was out in stretton this morning around 9 am ?
5 maybe 6 landies,including a very nice sounding green Defender V8?
and one with Staffs 4x4 emblazened down the side

it could have been Staffs4x4? :fencing::behindsofa: :D
Could be ....:scratching_chin:eek:r maybe its sombody pretending to be from Stafford to throw the locals off the scent!
Are there any plans for another bridgenorth laning outing any time soon as I'm new to this and would like to tag along next time if that's ok.

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