if your still after one then speak to funkykipper(matt) he has both of mine that i dont need anymore.

Im out the country for a while so he is looking after them. lol

Sorry for the late reply Matt not been on here for a while, Cheers for the offer, i got one of the dinky vodafone gps recievers off fleebay in the end works well upto yet
Sorry for the late reply Matt not been on here for a while, Cheers for the offer, i got one of the dinky vodafone gps recievers off fleebay in the end works well upto yet

There ok those receivers. Now you've got no excuse for getting lost.
I'll volunteer never done a route before but done enough reading to know how to do it properly so I'll start coming up with a route if people are interested in a trip out
Having a look at a few definitive maps and found a lot of Boat lanes over the other side of Ludlow by Knighton and clun? Would people be interested in the drive that far, or would stay more local?
Having a look at a few definitive maps and found a lot of Boat lanes over the other side of Ludlow by Knighton and clun? Would people be interested in the drive that far, or would stay more local?

Welcome my son to world of crossing the river some of the best lanes ever over that way ..! ...
You will find routes around that area in a previous Landrover Owner International magazines and a Total off road Magazine.

Idiots who lurk here have chewed up the water splash at Stow Hill going off the track to play.

Made a right mess. Dont be surprised if you get agggro from a ****ed off farmer

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