Again, as I said earlier, point missed.
Seems to me all everyone thinks is iam a complete novice who can't read a map and just wants to go out and rip lanes up.
Well I'll leave it with you.
Think I'll just join glass then, get all the lane info, and share the lanes with all my irresponsible 4x4, quad and motorcycle mates.
So its OK to take money off complete strangers and give them unrestricted access to every lane in the country.
But its not OK to share info to members from this forum, where there previous posts can give a good idea whether they are genuine or not. Is, hundreds of posts and topics against one or two.
Like I said, I'll leave it at that.

Don't think anyone has said that at all. There are people who have been laning for thirty years who have never posted on any forum! :)
Glass don't actually give any lane info that is not readily available elsewhere, all on OS maps, for anyone to see that wants to spend a fiver.

In your case the issue isn't about usage, I suspect you are upsetting folk by being so lazy, you seem to want it all on a plate, but unwilling to cough thirty quid for the common good.

All the experienced laners on here have said the same thing, pm someone locally, meet them for a cup of tea, they will give you some suitable info, or even take you out themselves. Not sure why you don't take up that offer? :confused:
Apart from all other issues, there is an issue of safety. When you meet and talk to someone, they can get an idea of your experience and ability. So they will make suitable suggestions. Some places the experienced will go can be dangerous for a novice.

I for one do think that your a complete novice and I think the use of the forum to to get help from other members out of area is a good one - just from a personal point of view I prefer to extend and invitation to the visiting person to show them around.

Once I know them (and it's a good way of meeting new people who share a common interest) then I don't have any issue sharing info.

That would be exactly my angle on it as well! :)
The cost of GLASS membership is less than the diesel for one days laning

Everyone has different financial constraints - but I still don't know why people are so reluctant to join GLASS (a a GLASS affiliated club) because as Sue says it's half a tank of fuel (less for me with a V8!) - and often many will spend thousands modifying their trucks.

I wonder how many belong to GLASS affiliated clubs but don't leverage any of the benefits (RoW officers etc.) in their own clubs?
So what I can gather is no ones happy for a thread to help people, and iam not talking about a list of lanes for everyone to see, never did I mention any list, that would be daft. But if you pm,d someone, they could then vet you and decide if you are worthy of their help.
All I was suggesting was a thread which could put people in touch with other likeminded people.
Yes maybe I am lazy, if i don't do my research etc. Maybe its more like iam very busy and don't have lots of spare time. But iam more than happy to show someone round Derbyshire for day out and would hope someone would reciprocate.
Not throwing toys out, just can't understand why people are so reluctant to a dedicated thread that's all.
And as for my inexperience, was out lanning over twenty years ago, well before all this tinternet. And well before mem map etc, we had to be able to read maps.
So, sorry to have stirred up a wee hornets nest, wasn't my intension.took onboard peeps thoughts etc and might join glass.
As said before, never intended for it to be a list of lanes for all to see or my own lane info gathering.
Nothing like a good debate about stuff - especially when people feel passionately about their hobby.

Personally I'd be more concerned if I posted up an idea like yours and got no feedback at all...

If you're ever East Anglia way and want to do some landing give me a shout.....likewise if I ever make to another area I will be asking for help via this forum and the GLASS one.....

So what I can gather is no ones happy for a thread to help people, and iam not talking about a list of lanes for everyone to see, never did I mention any list, that would be daft. But if you pm,d someone, they could then vet you and decide if you are worthy of their help.
All I was suggesting was a thread which could put people in touch with other likeminded people.
Yes maybe I am lazy, if i don't do my research etc. Maybe its more like iam very busy and don't have lots of spare time. But iam more than happy to show someone round Derbyshire for day out and would hope someone would reciprocate.
Not throwing toys out, just can't understand why people are so reluctant to a dedicated thread that's all.
And as for my inexperience, was out lanning over twenty years ago, well before all this tinternet. And well before mem map etc, we had to be able to read maps.
So, sorry to have stirred up a wee hornets nest, wasn't my intension.took onboard peeps thoughts etc and might join glass.
As said before, never intended for it to be a list of lanes for all to see or my own lane info gathering.
Nothing like a good debate about stuff - especially when people feel passionately about their hobby.

Personally I'd be more concerned if I posted up an idea like yours and got no feedback at all...

If you're ever East Anglia way and want to do some landing give me a shout.....likewise if I ever make to another area I will be asking for help via this forum and the GLASS one.....

Cheers Darren, iam in Linc's end of may lol. Love Norfolk though, got friends in erpingham near cromer, not ventured down Suffolk much apart from a boat.
Yes maybe I am lazy, if i don't do my research etc. Maybe its more like iam very busy and don't have lots of spare time. But iam more than happy to show someone round Derbyshire for day out and would hope someone would reciprocate.
Not throwing toys out, just can't understand why people are so reluctant to a dedicated thread that's all.
And as for my inexperience, was out lanning over twenty years ago, well before all this tinternet. And well before mem map etc, we had to be able to read maps.

I am pretty busy too, livestock farming is like that! If you havent much time, increased search radius on Trailwise would be helpful to you! :)

Also, check if your council has an online map, I use this a lot now, ours is very good, all ROW, Tracks etc are marked, and the site has details of restrictions, modification orders etc.

Like the others, if you are ever down west, pm, I will show you round. :)

I have been laning since well before the net anorl, nowadays I research pre-trip on the net, but I still use paper maps on the ground, as I have never had a smartphone, just a cheap old talk and text. :D
Nearest I get to kernow is visiting daughter in Horsham, bet there's sum nice lanes on the downs.
Checked local derbyshire council online map and tbh not very impressed, but then it could just be my eyes, getting on a bit now.
I think I get what your saying now, I'm just not sure if it would work and not for the reasons already listed.

Rather than a dedicated thread to getting groups together an individual one each time works and already exists.

"Hi I'm thinking of going out near ***** next weekend is anyone going out and mind me tagging along"

If you had a dedicated thread information would just get lost.
Nearest I get to kernow is visiting daughter in Horsham, bet there's sum nice lanes on the downs.
Checked local derbyshire council online map and tbh not very impressed, but then it could just be my eyes, getting on a bit now.

I have heard the maps are pretty variable, Cornwall have probably pushed the boat out for the tourists, lot of multi-use trials and so on are on the map, as well as ROW.

Cornwall CC map has a great zoom on it, far closer than I have ever been able to get on TW, ideal for failing middle aged eyes! :eek::eek::D

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