Yes and some of the local reps will do routes for you, and I have a GLASS route sharing page. But only for members. I'm not sure if all of the reps do that, but many do.
I'm not a rep for GLASS but Kirk and myself are helping the area reps by running a Facebook page for East Anglia....similar to what Sue has very successfully done in her neck of the woods......
There are good points from everyone, and not so good I said its not to post up lane locations etc, more a place for peeps to help when you want to venture further afield.
With regards to glass, a bloody good organisation and I have looked at the website with a view to joining on a few occasions and have not ruled out joining.
Yes, if your wanting to venture to places you don't know, you can post up in that areas thread and ask, so why not a thread just for that?
Ah well, I'll just leave it at that then.
The problem is Glass isn't for all, I might drive a lane every now and then, its not my hobby, I haven't driven a lane in about 5 years or more, I wish to find a local, easy lane to take my daughter out on for a wee drive but it would be once in a very blue moon, she is 5 and we love to go on little adventures together, this doesn't include winching large 4x4's out of bomb holes and deep mud so 30 odd quid is a bit much for me.

I don't drive like a muppet, I totally respect greenlanes and every one who uses them , and yes that includes ''bobble hats'', my belief is if you need a modified vehicle to go green laning you shouldn't be using that lane in the first place.
The problem is Glass isn't for all, I might drive a lane every now and then, its not my hobby, I haven't driven a lane in about 5 years or more, I wish to find a local, easy lane to take my daughter out on for a wee drive but it would be once in a very blue moon, she is 5 and we love to go on little adventures together, this doesn't include winching large 4x4's out of bomb holes and deep mud so 30 odd quid is a bit much for me.

I don't drive like a muppet, I totally respect greenlanes and every one who uses them , and yes that includes ''bobble hats'', my belief is if you need a modified vehicle to go green laning you shouldn't be using that lane in the first place.

GLASS isn't just for the more extreme vehicles, plenty of our members have new shiny vehicles on road tyres.

But I would be happy to help you find a local easy lane, where in the country?
GLASS isn't just for the more extreme vehicles, plenty of our members have new shiny vehicles on road tyres.

But I would be happy to help you find a local easy lane, where in the country?
Sorry, I just read my post and it came out all wrong. Of course GLASS would not be supportive of winch challenges on greenlanes, but it does happen. I remember being a member of a club darn sarf , it was an open forum the owner of which lost control of, so anyone could join and no one could be banned.
For years it was fine, then a whole heap of new people joined over a few months and it seriously went down hill after that, convoys of 10 or more vehicle's pretty much destroying everything in their path.
Tahe final straw for me was when a walker clocked a club sticker after being intimidated by a 90 driver on a lane, he joined the forum asking for who ever was in charge to complain and was met with a flurry of abuse and threats, I left the club after reading it.

Anyhow, I think I might have found what I was looking for, if it is ok to drive I'll take my little one out Saturday morning.

green laning shouldn't be about big bomb holes and winching - agreed - but that doesn't mean you can't use them properly in a modified vehicle. Many of us can only afford 1 vehicle for both landing and off road - its as much about how you drive them. the vehicle is the tool - it all depends on the skill (or lack of it) of the driver as to how and when damage is caused....

The problem is Glass isn't for all, I might drive a lane every now and then, its not my hobby, I haven't driven a lane in about 5 years or more, I wish to find a local, easy lane to take my daughter out on for a wee drive but it would be once in a very blue moon, she is 5 and we love to go on little adventures together, this doesn't include winching large 4x4's out of bomb holes and deep mud so 30 odd quid is a bit much for me.

I don't drive like a muppet, I totally respect greenlanes and every one who uses them , and yes that includes ''bobble hats'', my belief is if you need a modified vehicle to go green laning you shouldn't be using that lane in the first place.
yep its just about talking to the right people on this forum.....

There are good points from everyone, and not so good I said its not to post up lane locations etc, more a place for peeps to help when you want to venture further afield.
With regards to glass, a bloody good organisation and I have looked at the website with a view to joining on a few occasions and have not ruled out joining.
Yes, if your wanting to venture to places you don't know, you can post up in that areas thread and ask, so why not a thread just for that?
Ah well, I'll just leave it at that then.
green laning shouldn't be about big bomb holes and winching - agreed - but that doesn't mean you can't use them properly in a modified vehicle. Many of us can only afford 1 vehicle for both landing and off road - its as much about how you drive them. the vehicle is the tool - it all depends on the skill (or lack of it) of the driver as to how and when damage is caused....

This is very true,
GLASS isn't just for the more extreme vehicles, plenty of our members have new shiny vehicles on road tyres.

But I would be happy to help you find a local easy lane, where in the country?

That is exactly what I was posting about.if you are happy to help out Nobber with some lane info, why not have a place on the forum ?

Finding lanes isn't so much the problem, its more condition and severity, then there is TRO,s etc.
And what is stopping a group of nutters chucking in 36quid in, one registering with glass, then ripping every lane from john agrotes to lands end ?
I think one of the problems with lanning is people are basicly lazy.instead of finding new lanes, the same old lanes are driven time after time regardless of the condition.and keeping lanes " secret" only contributes to this.
There is the irresponsible driver who doesn't care if the lane is torn up, in fact the muddier the better, or indeed if its got a restriction on it.
Then there are others who are sensible but might not be confident enough to contact local authority etc or just don't know how to go about finding legal lanes.
I've been out with more experienced laners who are good enough to organise routes and invite total strangers along.
I just think it would be great if peeps had a thread to be able to get in touch with peeps in another area.
Bit like GLASS, but on the forum.
Oh, and BTW, I wasn't fishing for lanes, just thought it might help out like minded individuals.
green laning shouldn't be about big bomb holes and winching - agreed - but that doesn't mean you can't use them properly in a modified vehicle. Many of us can only afford 1 vehicle for both landing and off road - its as much about how you drive them. the vehicle is the tool - it all depends on the skill (or lack of it) of the driver as to how and when damage is caused....

Agreeing with Darren again! :)

Two skills really, actually driving the vehicle is one. Being able to read and assess suitable conditions is another. A route that is fine in summer could get rutted to impassable in short order in winter.
That is exactly what I was posting about.if you are happy to help out Nobber with some lane info, why not have a place on the forum ?

Finding lanes isn't so much the problem, its more condition and severity, then there is TRO,s etc.
And what is stopping a group of nutters chucking in 36quid in, one registering with glass, then ripping every lane from john agrotes to lands end ?
I think one of the problems with lanning is people are basicly lazy.instead of finding new lanes, the same old lanes are driven time after time regardless of the condition.and keeping lanes " secret" only contributes to this.
There is the irresponsible driver who doesn't care if the lane is torn up, in fact the muddier the better, or indeed if its got a restriction on it.
Then there are others who are sensible but might not be confident enough to contact local authority etc or just don't know how to go about finding legal lanes.
I've been out with more experienced laners who are good enough to organise routes and invite total strangers along.
I just think it would be great if peeps had a thread to be able to get in touch with peeps in another area.
Bit like GLASS, but on the forum.
Oh, and BTW, I wasn't fishing for lanes, just thought it might help out like minded individuals.

I'm a GLASS rep and a member of the exec, for the most part I don't have time to sort out routes for anyone other than our members. What Nobber was asking for was a little different, he didn't want a whole route, just a local lane for his daughters adventure.

I do have a route sharing page for LZ and another one for GLASS. But those are for people I know and lane with or those who have helped me in the past. I think everyone feels the same about sharing with strangers.

Although it might not always be the case, I can only assume that people who bother to join GLASS and help us to keep lanes open, are responsible and wont abuse the information.
I'm afraid that I have to back up those who are wary of sharing routes without firstly knowing a little more detail about the person asking the question, in particular their ability to understand an OS map.
The good, experienced peeps will do their research beforehand, be able to read the ground conditions well ahead of their vehicle, will be able to have an idea of gradient from the closeness of the contour lines, or height indicator of a contour line and its proximity to a watercourse to give an idea of whether to expect wet ground conditions.....they're all little things you learn over time which (to some) may appear a little anal, but I've learnt how to do this and take great pride in doing things properly by treading lightly and leaving the countryside as we find it and not leaving a mess behind.
If a responsible greenlaner wants info on the Dorset lanes, although wary I'm happy to discuss them in more detail, or lead their group if there's space in my diary to do so.
Like many other parts of the country, Dorset has large SSSI, ESA AONB areas - if you're looking for amazing views, some challenging gradients and a grand day out you'll love it.
Sadly it's all too easy for someone from out of the area to appear for a weekends laning with his/her mates and rip up the routes regardless of weather/ground conditions.....if all you want is deep mud and winching then this beautiful county has nothing to offer you!
Again, as I said earlier, point missed.
Seems to me all everyone thinks is iam a complete novice who can't read a map and just wants to go out and rip lanes up.
Well I'll leave it with you.
Think I'll just join glass then, get all the lane info, and share the lanes with all my irresponsible 4x4, quad and motorcycle mates.
So its OK to take money off complete strangers and give them unrestricted access to every lane in the country.
But its not OK to share info to members from this forum, where there previous posts can give a good idea whether they are genuine or not. Is, hundreds of posts and topics against one or two.
Like I said, I'll leave it at that.
I for one do think that your a complete novice and I think the use of the forum to to get help from other members out of area is a good one - just from a personal point of view I prefer to extend and invitation to the visiting person to show them around.

Once I know them (and it's a good way of meeting new people who share a common interest) then I don't have any issue sharing info.

Again, as I said earlier, point missed.
Seems to me all everyone thinks is iam a complete novice who can't read a map and just wants to go out and rip lanes up.
Well I'll leave it with you.
Think I'll just join glass then, get all the lane info, and share the lanes with all my irresponsible 4x4, quad and motorcycle mates.
So its OK to take money off complete strangers and give them unrestricted access to every lane in the country.
But its not OK to share info to members from this forum, where there previous posts can give a good idea whether they are genuine or not. Is, hundreds of posts and topics against one or two.
Like I said, I'll leave it at that.
Again, as I said earlier, point missed.
Seems to me all everyone thinks is iam a complete novice who can't read a map and just wants to go out and rip lanes up.
Well I'll leave it with you.
Think I'll just join glass then, get all the lane info, and share the lanes with all my irresponsible 4x4, quad and motorcycle mates.
So its OK to take money off complete strangers and give them unrestricted access to every lane in the country.
But its not OK to share info to members from this forum, where there previous posts can give a good idea whether they are genuine or not. Is, hundreds of posts and topics against one or two.
Like I said, I'll leave it at that.

I don't understand why you seem intent on taking this personally. What you're asking for as I understand is a dedicated thread for sharing info in a publicly viewable part of the forum never mind only members with many posts so others have a chance to judge their attitude.

In my opinion sharing info on lanes is best requested and shared warily. A thread dedicated to it will encourage more open and less wary sharing.

That's not a judgement of you or anyone else, it's simply what would happen
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Again, as I said earlier, point missed.
Seems to me all everyone thinks is iam a complete novice who can't read a map and just wants to go out and rip lanes up.
Well I'll leave it with you.
Think I'll just join glass then, get all the lane info, and share the lanes with all my irresponsible 4x4, quad and motorcycle mates.
So its OK to take money off complete strangers and give them unrestricted access to every lane in the country.
But its not OK to share info to members from this forum, where there previous posts can give a good idea whether they are genuine or not. Is, hundreds of posts and topics against one or two.
Like I said, I'll leave it at that.

And that would be called dummy spitting, which on its own would make sure folk don't share on here :doh:

GLASS membership gives you full access to trailwise which most of us can use to do our own routes in any part of the country. I'm doing one a C2C through Northumberland at the moment. I might get ideas and routes from other people, but I still check them out on trailwise as well.

Also I could have given you Yorkshire routes a few weeks ago, at the time they would have been OK. Now they aren't, information is only good on the day it was done, which means route sharing is only for ideas, not to follow blindly.

The cost of GLASS membership is less than the diesel for one days laning
And that would be called dummy spitting, which on its own would make sure folk don't share on here :doh:

GLASS membership gives you full access to trailwise which most of us can use to do our own routes in any part of the country. I'm doing one a C2C through Northumberland at the moment. I might get ideas and routes from other people, but I still check them out on trailwise as well.

Also I could have given you Yorkshire routes a few weeks ago, at the time they would have been OK. Now they aren't, information is only good on the day it was done, which means route sharing is only for ideas, not to follow blindly.

The cost of GLASS membership is less than the diesel for one days laning

:rolleyes: you can really be a windup merchant and a pain in the butt sometimes from what I have seen several times

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