
New Member
hello to all im slashy from norfolk. im new to the landyzone forum so i will be looking to ask loads of questions, as you are all full of wisdom and knowlege.:confused:
ok well it seems i have upset you already! i was genually asking for help

Take no notice. just get ya self a thick skin and a good sense of humour and give as good as yu get, and yu'll be fine on ere. :boxing:

I don't think you've upset anyone really you know.

Thats how I started off on here , looking for help , and now look at me!
right o , well i have a rr and a good sense of humor. so i should be able to take the jokes thanks
ok ok well i am ready for all the jokes ect. ive had it a month and looking for improvement idears any sugestions? appart from the scrappy lol
not as yet cause i cant use the new camera, will try and load some up tomorrow. what you driving then?
i had a right pig of a classic 2 years ago. i mean a pig it all started with a blown bulb then progressed to air flow meter, ect ect right the way to a head gasket/ cylinder head. but i still want another one to play with.

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