Well.. we now have some banners:





Please let me know what you think of them so far...
I can't see the banners for some reason.

Slogan > "Stay on-line and go off-road" or re-word it somehow, lol!
Hi Roy,

I know that this topic is a bit old, but I wonder if I may suggest something. I have just added two of your banners to one of my sites and I noticed that when clicked upon the link opens up over the top of the main page instead of in a new window. I have since changed the source so that it opens up in a new (_blank) window. Knowing what some webmasters/site owners are like why not just add the target="_blank" to the logo scripts?

This is what and where it should go:
<A HREF="http://www.landyzone.co.uk/" target="_blank"><IMG SRC

All the best,

Phil "O Bife"

PS: I hope you don't mind, but I also changed the "ALT" for the one on my site (On the left just under the verticle nav bar on this page: http://www.flap-holidays.com/welcome.htm & at the bottom of this page: http://www.flap-holidays.com/Links/links.htm)

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