
Well-Known Member
Me finks there should be a section for the Landyzone Recovery Service. Or a thread and make it a sticky.. That way peeps who need help can find it strate away, not all members look at all sections... but they may look at this when they sign in and see if anyone needs assistance :D.... Just a thought :)

wot do you fink guys? :)
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What exactly do you want this proposed thread to do, it a bit of a combination of the courier - vehicle specific threads for more urgent help???

Or something more on the recovery side.

it will nevva work. - if thems is stoopid enuf to get stuck and not have spares - its their own fault.........

We've done a fair few recoverys and likes you say if they stoopid enuff to ger stuck on their own they aint gonna find a specific thread
i think its a great idea

"im a numpty and i should hand my car and keys over to someone more worthy" would make a good thread title:D

il duck back behind the paraphet now :doh:
i tried tha anorl. and looked in fred titles only and looked for rescue and recovery - even looked for landyzone - nuffink:(
what about using google maps some how to show member locations, off road trails and p&p sites, etc
understand member locations may cause a problem with people joining just to nick our motors but with the addition of a on/off button its worth a consideration
what about using google maps some how to show member locations, off road trails and p&p sites, etc
understand member locations may cause a problem with people joining just to nick our motors but with the addition of a on/off button its worth a consideration
Take a look here http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f20/landy-zone-map-83560.html. You'll find a link to a map that you can stick yourself on, with as much accuracy as you feel comfortable with.

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