just been on the phone to both ferry companies that are in the running, the first one said they should have their prices for next july in the next 2-3 weeks so we have to wait for that one, and the second company said the girl that handles group booking is on holiday until the second week in september so we are going to have to wait for that one too. unfortunately there is nothing i can do until i hear from these people and its out of my control. once we get all the prices in we are going to work out a package so that you only pay one bill as opposed to paying 2 or 3. i have since found out that any discounts the ferry companies give us are only on the travel. if you want cabins etc then you still pay the full price for these. i will update you as soon as i know any more , regards to all, yella ;)
I hope the captain of the ferry aint on his hols the week we're going, then what we gonna do:rolleyes:

not to worry yella fella! yer doing a grand job;)

mucho grassyarse
Nice job lads... right I need to start shopping for some sliders, and steering guards, hmm, that piece of ducting in the garage can be taped on for the wet bits. Mind you I ain't ment to go in deep water with me engine.
we are looking at the weekend of the 6th i think it is for 1 week sat - sat obviously we are flexible depending on how many it will affect
think i'll be up for this! not been on here for a while as i've being having a **** fest (approx 1 month ya know!) bit of a trek for me but hey sounds a right giggle. dunno who to take though. me mates or the other half and the 3 kids.................. me mates it is then!
Slob, being offroad in france does that mean red would be legal?

I am thinking a week day in day out in low range could use a heck of a lot a fuel.
as far i know it is and yer maun at the center says the fuzz don't bother brit plates with that **** anyway
the only foreseeable problem with red is that when you re enter blighty you have to make sure you have drained the red from your tank, then when they find a trace in your fuel lines you can explain legitimately that you have been off roading in france for a week
Could always drain the tank on the last day, then fill it with french price DERV, I am sure 70litres will wipe out any trace. Thought they just dipped your tank, not check the lines, or you reffering to the little bit that would back feed into the tank from the excess?

I figured the fuzz wouldn't bother brit plates. Does this seem like a reasonable idea, bring red/bio/oil/kero.

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