we're aiming fer 1st weekend in july unless y'awl want a different date then we might change it
slob said:
we're aiming fer 1st weekend in july unless y'awl want a different date then we might change it

YER! Were from Yorkshire, we tend to melt when it gets too ot!

earlier suits us wi work and things, she's in the pub trade and I'm a self employed sparky, nobody wants to be without leccy when its dark and cold, so it's usually quiet for me.
So probly up to June's ok wi her
slob said:
if she's easy she can come for free

This is Mrs mondo.
i am so easy, I let work, walk all over me, can't do anything about it. but i would love to come on a weekend away in yorkshire, france, or anywhere. I'm up for anything. luv rose.
Dearest Rose Mondo,
you will be made most welcome on our little trip .especially if you can lose mondo. i hope you like yer french sticks crusty.
hugs and kisses mr slob
Yes I Can lose Mondo easy, (it aint hard) & i luv hard bread & cheese I'm up for a freebee if you insist cos i'm a brilll coook if you need one.

But ****e at typin:rolleyes:
jings mrs ah need a cook, serving wench, bottle washer and another bed wench not to mention a bong stoker
No i did't say a gofor ****in do it yourself, i'm going to where' ever on my hols' too enjoy, good food, good company, good food, & mondo all in all a fab weekend, in yorkshire, or France if we have too!!!!. I luv Yorkshire Me!!!!
gofur thats a goodin reminds me of an old joke....
bloke walks up to a burd in a bar an says " is that dicfur in yer hair?"
the burd replies " whats dic fur?"
nice to see we have a bit of interest but lets not turn this into a **** take boys. we are trying to be serious here, like slob said we are looking at the first weekend in july at the moment, a four day trip , maybe even five so you call it a holiday. apparently there is plenty to do for the women and kids and lets face it the night time parties will be better than sitting in a spanish hotel listening to has been singers. we might even have a bit of a talent contest so if yer have a musical instrument then bring it along.;)
looks like we are going to have a good time then slob. i think there may be a few more than that yet to come.

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