Well i shall leave it in the doris's hands, she is currently installing stuff on her new pc, so should be with us some point this evening lol
You had better give us an address to send the cheque to then somehow I don't think
Mr. Slob
c/o France


Mr Yella
c/o Wales

Will surfice :D
So what do I need to get for this trip?? Last time I slept in a tent I was in the Girl Guides! Ha! We pitched our tent on a slope........didn't seem like one till we woke up in the morning and we'd all rolled to one edge of the tent!!
Ok well until he gets here...............where's the best place to buy a sleeping bag.............I can't believe I just asked that question!?? Me in a sleeping bag :eek: I could live to regret this I'm sure.
i am sure yu will. slob has load of campin stuff, including his super new tent ;) ;) - ask him fust if yu dont wanna buy stuff.

else - just start a fred askin if anyone has stuff yu can borrow.
i am sure yu will. slob has load of campin stuff, including his super new tent ;) ;) - ask him fust if yu dont wanna buy stuff.

else - just start a fred askin if anyone has stuff yu can borrow.

Hmm borrow a sleeping bag...........errr nah I think I'd rather get me own...........never know what's happened in a borrowed one :eek:

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