
New Member
slob and i are in the process of organising a weekends offroading in northern france. this will include ferry crossings, camping and entrance into an offroading centre.we will be hoping to get a discount on prices depending on numbers and dates. we are looking at going in the spring of next year so anyone that is interested will have plenty of time to organise time off etc. the centre is about an hours drive from the ferry port so its not too far a trek once you get into france. please register your interest so that we can organise more details,think of it as a good chance to enjoy yourself and meet the people that you talk to on here day after day, many thanks, yella ;)
ok well thanks for all looking at this and not posting an interest. we are currently in the process of gathering prices and putting a package together so that you pay one fee for everything. we have decided that its going to be next june and it will be a camping only trip, unless you want to sort out your own b&b when you get there.the actual camping will be in the grounds of the off-roading centre an apparently they have other stuff for the women and children. we are looking at a four day event with trophies for various categories at the end. please respond if you are interested as this will be a good chance for a long weekend and a could even tell the missus its a good summer vacation(holiday to us brits) ;)
comeon folks this is yer chance to put a face to that avatar and show orf yer orf road skills. and have a holiday in sunny france to boot
Erm! Rite "O"

colour us in ( bet yer wished you haddent asked now):D

Good effort by the way lads,much apreciated;)
I ant a clue what I'm doing next week let alone next July. Sounds like a bit of a lark tho. I honestly don't think I'd trust my 90 to go that kind of distance if your talking about a channel crossing, how far are you from Zeebugger.
Sounds good, reckon by then I should be free of "series shackledom" and running summat on coils that will do the trip without shaking me eyeballs out of the sockets.

Regards WP.
Grunt. You's from Yorkshire aint yer?

Yer can put yer bags in me hippo,Fill yer landy wi bits yer might need for the trip, an I'll foller yer,
You got room for a VCU and In IRD in the Back o yer bus?
Oh and an Exhaust back box
An the wife!

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