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oh FFS! some one get in touch with me about what needs to be printed up i.e ROY!!!! as i am about to put a large order in for stickers so i need to know whats happening and if i have any chance of getting em cheap it needs to go in with this order!!!!!!!!

Raz - it has nuffink to do with Roy or Accy - last time Trewy did it off his own bat - If you intend to do it - you will have to take the risk - I think Trewy got 200 last time. He is the man to speak to.
Just a thought, are these gonna be sticky on the back for body panels or the front for on the inside glass?

and another, what size are they gonna be?
not sure yet, just getting the order for my business sorted then once the artwork is finished ill work on the noo LZ ones!!
fancy a tenners worth, but cant be arsed to read through 60 odd pages of posts to see wats wat!if these loverly stickers r still bein made someone let us know!

so how do yu know that they aint £20 each!

i'l have half a one then!

plus I read th first couple a pages to get th bloody gist of what I was willin to pay £10 for!

i aint bloody givin up booze money without knowin wat it is am I
no he is just starting out in business and dont have the right machine for it, i approached the guy off ebay to see what he could do for me, he looked at my website when i gave him the work and it turns out he is a landy lover along with his mates so is made up to be doing the stickers for my products. he was a member on here at one point till he forgot his username and password then went onto another forum so he is asking around his vynal forum to see if anyone else can do this order as he knows its for a good cause!!
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