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I'll have a tenners worth but I ain't sure how that paypal thingy works and I ain't got a cheque book either, I cant help being a northener I'm just used to paying cash for everyting
said i would have four. how do i pay for them and get them. do you send me e-mail with address to send cheque. don't know anything about pay pal or whatever they call it.
Cheque on its way to you but don't know when you'll get it 'cos its bnk holiday and we all know what the post is like. Hope you not a postman! Cheers.
<i'm gonna regret this but> how much are they? i don't have time to read through all the other pages as i is going oot
Hi all, i know i'm new on here, but i would like a couple pf stickers.
Completely lost in all the pages on this subject so could someone refresh me on what they look like and who to contact about it.

Hi all, i know i'm new on here, but i would like a couple pf stickers.
Completely lost in all the pages on this subject so could someone refresh me on what they look like and who to contact about it.


Ah think ta need to PM trewy. and as faras i'm aware they look like the site logo.
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