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Yup - I'll PM you the detail.

Ere - I was born & brought up in Little Waltham and went to King Edward VI School in Chelmsford!
The land zone stickers are so... Dated, I love this forum despite abuse! but the stickers are dire! Sorry! I could do better in my sleep! Challenge me...
Well the fact you can't even get the name right doesn't inspire confidence. fecking graphic designers worse than pikeys.
good point! and I'm not a graphic designer! I'm industrial... The stickers are OK but I wouldn't stick it on my back door! people hate us enough!
The land zone stickers are so... Dated, I love this forum despite abuse! but the stickers are dire! Sorry! I could do better in my sleep! Challenge me...

Go on then - put yer money where yer mouth is.

Shell out £200 of yer own money and then hope that enough members buy em to recover your costs.

Oh, and if yer do make a profit, yer have to promise to donate it to Miniman's charity fingy!

Put up or shut up.:mad:
good point! and I'm not a graphic designer! I'm industrial... The stickers are OK but I wouldn't stick it on my back door! people hate us enough!
din't worry abart it tinny, first there int no stickers and you post a piccy showing what its gonna be like and go ahead with the printings as most folk agree the design is ok.
then the bleaters comes out saying how much better they could do. but the thing is they didn't do and you did. so the stickers you suppllied are way better than any suppllied by any of the ' i could do better in my sleep 'brigade................ fook em!

but ah still say the landy should have bin green but as mine wur free am not gonna complain abut having a red landy on me free stickers.

otherwise jolly good effort that man
kinell, praise and appreciation from the slobmeister..........

I need a lie-down!
see i can always find new and interesting ways to shock and stun folk. just when you thought you'd seen it all................ WALLOP!!!!!
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