Forgot about it, but I think Sunday I'll be doing an It's a knockout type thing using the Landies .. :)

Probably very simple, like putting a bucket of water on the bonnet and driving round a course. Points for fastest time, slowest time, and amount of water left. Actually that could run through some of Saturday too so everyone can have a go when they have a free minute ... even if they aren't in Landies ... ;)

I originally thought about balancing a colander of eggs on the drivers head like Top Gear did .....
Great idea Paul
Forgot about it, but I think Sunday I'll be doing an It's a knockout type thing using the Landies .. :)

Probably very simple, like putting a bucket of water on the bonnet and driving round a course. Points for fastest time, slowest time, and amount of water left. Actually that could run through some of Saturday too so everyone can have a go when they have a free minute ... even if they aren't in Landies ... ;)

I originally thought about balancing a colander of eggs on the drivers head like Top Gear did .....
that sounds brilliant - it's my son's birthday and he's going nuts about it already - he'll love that! :D
Ang on!
Are you not the guy who drowned the landy (and nearly yer sen) in a river?

Yup ... years ago that now ... I'm as safe to follow as I ever was .. :)
that sounds brilliant - it's my son's birthday and he's going nuts about it already - he'll love that! :D

Cool, we could get the kids involved and have them timing or measuring so they don't feel left out maybe. If there's enough they can be marshalls to make sure we all go the right way round the course, for instance!

Actually, private land, maybe they could drive ...... and here's me a school caretaker, responsible for H&S at our school .. ;)
Cool, we could get the kids involved and have them timing or measuring so they don't feel left out maybe. If there's enough they can be marshalls to make sure we all go the right way round the course, for instance!

Actually, private land, maybe they could drive ...... and here's me a school caretaker, responsible for H&S at our school .. ;)
Lol! :D
Cool, we could get the kids involved and have them timing or measuring so they don't feel left out maybe. If there's enough they can be marshalls to make sure we all go the right way round the course, for instance!

Actually, private land, maybe they could drive ...... and here's me a school caretaker, responsible for H&S at our school .. ;)
i just liked that comment and I am also a school caretaker, responsible for H&S at our school, says a lot for school caretakers :rolleyes:
errrr think sat laning, must have enough height for my roof tent again :D so that probs rules me out for fun n games balancing stuff cos i'll be putting my tent back up when i get back :( what time do we have to leave the site on sunday?

what time do we have to leave the site on sunday?


There isn't a set time to be off - we tend to start packing the marquees away mid morning and think it was early/mid afternoon that we left
Just had a thought that 'cos it's for charity, the slalom/balance/autotest will have a modest entry fee I think, everything to Air Ambulance.

What say you all to £3, £5, £10 whatever?

I suggest £3 entry with any over and above as a donation .... don't wanna be greedy. ;)

Mind, going with the current trend, I might have to file expenses ......
Thinking about it, maybe a similar fee for the laneing instead of the games?
Everyone wants to go laneing , not so many want to play games, the fee MIGHT mean even less peeps will want to participate = less money?
Yeah, I was thinking of it more as a donation to the cause, cost of a beer to take part ..

Good idea for the laning though ... ;)
Having looked at the video on another Fred, perhaps we could make "folding a pop - up tent" one of the games:rolleyes:
I'd be happy to contribute £3.
will the lanning be suitable for my l322 on normal tyres?

Last year and before the lanes were fine for any Landrover on any tyre and although I don't do the route planning I don't see why they won't be this year. The only thing with something like an L322 is whether it'll get scratched. There's nowhere with gorse or hawthorn or very tight scratchy lanes as such, but there are a few places where if the foliage has a good growing season then you might have to push past branches/twigs and leaves. Most lanes, however, might be driven around and re-join the route a short drive later .. I'd say so long as you have a clue what the Terrain Response choices mean and aren't above using them you'll be fine. We'll tow you out if necessary anyway, after the obligatory picture/video taking of course .. ;)

The only time anyone got properly stuck, I believe, was a decent 90 that drove off a road into a ditch, but that was feckwittery, not a problem with tyres or the lane.

As ever, no guarantees, we're dealing with nature .. ;)
Thank you for your response. It already has a scratches so a few more won't hurt. Should have a new set of Dunlop wrangler durtrac fitted before then.
I'd be up for a go on saturday.
Sunday morning might be a bit too blurry ;)
How long time wise are we looking at? I've got a 6 yr old and 17 month old (and a wife) that would probably like to come along but I don't want any meltdowns.

I'd be up for a go on saturday.
Sunday morning might be a bit too blurry ;)

Just how most of us feel .. ;)

How long time wise are we looking at? I've got a 6 yr old and 17 month old (and a wife) that would probably like to come along but I don't want any meltdowns.


Generally the laning lasts about 4 hours or so. Always a chance it'll be longer ... If anyone ever wanted to drop out at any time it's no problem, we can stop and sort out a route back to camp for you. Usually we'll stop for a while en-route for toilet/feed breaks, especially if we know there are kids aboard and you ask when you need to!

One thing we always suggest is to fill the fuel tank/water/oilchange/full service/polish and wax, the night before. We never had anyone run out, but one said he'll fuel up at the first garage we see en-route .. which was at the end of the route within a few miles of camp .. He was bricking it towards the end!! We don't plot a route to include garages, we plot a route for the lanes ... ;)

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