
Never Knowingly Understood
Full Member
Shows how much the old bill care, glad the owner got it back, although minus a few parts, I had a rs 3.1 Capri stolen, was more than annoyed to find its only on there system for 2 years, people can basically steal a car, store it for a couple of years, get a logbook and we're none the wiser !
Problem is the police are stretched. Crime in progress has a betterer chance of catching the person so that takes priority. Doesn't leave much time for cases like this. DNA and finger prints would be the only option unless there's cctv or witnesses.
Crime is crime :p
Copper said investigations start and the chance of an arrest considered. Money is focused on prevention (awareness) and detection. They don't always finger print and check blood samples as it costs money. Why? They only have so much money and need to spend it on what they think is best. I agree crime is crime but this one is further down the list. It looks like its only been robbed for certain parts.
Copper said investigations start and the chance of an arrest considered. Money is focused on prevention (awareness) and detection. They don't always finger print and check blood samples as it costs money. Why? They only have so much money and need to spend it on what they think is best. I agree crime is crime but this one is further down the list. It looks like its only been robbed for certain parts.

Exactly, I'm not having a pop at you Hippo, wouldn't dream of it - It is just about perception and the perception is the Police are to busy for petty crime and we as a customer have accepted this is the norm. If things get worse and money runs thinner they may not even investigate serious crimes, like Discovery theft?
Exactly, I'm not having a pop at you Hippo, wouldn't dream of it - It is just about perception and the perception is the Police are to busy for petty crime and we as a customer have accepted this is the norm. If things get worse and money runs thinner they may not even investigate serious crimes, like Discovery theft?
I agree. Problem is the police can only go so far, and I can't see that being betterered in future. I think the rest is down to owners to help them out. Not everyone photographs their vehicle, especially mods. Hence can't provide pic's if stolen. Few etch windows to help identify it. It's owners losing out, so owners should fight back. It's a risk you take when owning such a prized vehicle to thieves.
Police are told to prioritise that's for sure. But in my mind this is a growing concern and thefts are high. Even for the high profile Rangys etc. Sure it's easy to get a crime number, and forget about it, reality is that unless the vehicle is involved in a robbery or accident it is not looked for, full stop, they really don't have the time.
The thing that gets to me is these thefts will sometimes relate to a higher crime, drug trafficking robberies or illegally shipping parts abroead. This as to be a big issue.
When my mates was nicked the copper asked firstly have you a tracking device,he said no, the copper said chances of finding that then are low. What kind of answer is that? A real answer id say!
Anyway as it shows again we have to do what we can to secure the vehicles. Take increased insurance hikes etc,
I was watching an old traffic cop program recently. Someone nicked a small roller and put it in a transit, heading to the docks. Roller had a tracker so they tracked it when reported. Easy to spot as the back end was down on the van. Without the tracker it would have been out of the uk in 24 hours they said.

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