I worked for 6 months in Grays, what a ****e hole that was, went to sarf end that wasnt any better. 6 month contract on a 93 bed newbuild nursing home, every trade was from ap norf. The locals hated it all us norvenors taking their jobs. We wouldnt have been there if they could have done the jobs.
I had an uncle Who lived in great bromley most of his life he used to supply the whole area with duty free drink and fags. I dont suppose i ever considered that area being in essex.
Grays was certainly not a good advert for essex, but i guess thats how i considered essex to be, i always take as i find
summit else topcat, your referance to sarfend,
fraid to say its house prices were among the highest growth rates in the UK according to the telly the other day.
good quality housing for sale,
great train links to central london £££ssss
reasonable road links for those fools who want to drive, but sarfend does have some good motorcyle sales shops!!
oh, we do the ACE CAFE to Sarfend ride out a couple times a year,
and its B I G ...lol
also fraid to say sarfend is in ESSEX :D
Is anyone on here from Essex?

Yes, as for the above I hate essex now because:
Grays is well on its way to being a black ghetto now so not the safest place

Southend is the home of the east european gangster

Nearly everywhere I used to go hunting fishing etc is a housing estate now.

Towie, about the children of east end villians

Getting raped on business rates and material costs that there is no point in competing against a northern firm. The workshop next door had a mezzanine floor made and installed by a northern firm cheaper than I could buy the steel.
Its fked:confused:
I was born and bought up in Essex, but left in 1982.
Every time I return to visit the rellies, I can't wait to get out again - it's a ****hole.

oh well trew,
least we can also visit the delights of "some" of kernows districts too.
my son in his wisdom, moved to St.Austel once,
6 months later returned due to that being a ****hole.
you seem to think your utopia dont **** trew, but forget each county has its ****holes, but its residents seem to be wearing rose cloured glasses at times lad.
If you like I can do a research on each seperate cornish district highlighting its better,
then its very bad areas,
where do you want first,

oh well trew,
least we can also visit the delights of "some" of kernows districts too.
my son in his wisdom, moved to St.Austel once,
6 months later returned due to that being a ****hole.
you seem to think your utopia dont **** trew, but forget each county has its ****holes, but its residents seem to be wearing rose cloured glasses at times lad.
If you like I can do a research on each seperate cornish district highlighting its better,
then its very bad areas,
where do you want first,

you seem to be arguing with everyone at the minute,why?????.
you seem to be arguing with everyone at the minute,why?????.
no, not everyone,
only those who seem to think they know everything,
but know very little of there subject.

I can sit and shout luton, or smethic, or anywhere "not" in Essex is a ****hole, but as I replied to trew, wearers of rose coloured glasses cannot see there own ****e,
only think they know best.....:D
no, not everyone,
only those who seem to think they know everything,
but know very little of there subject.

I can sit and shout luton, or smethic, or anywhere "not" in Essex is a ****hole, but as I replied to trew, wearers of rose coloured glasses cannot see there own ****e,
only think they know best.....:D
ok, but if rew thinks that about somewhere then thats his opinion surely.same as you have your opinions which you have put on here many times???.
no, not everyone,
only those who seem to think they know everything,
but know very little of there subject.

I can sit and shout luton, or smethic, or anywhere "not" in Essex is a ****hole, but as I replied to trew, wearers of rose coloured glasses cannot see there own ****e,
only think they know best.....:D
smethic... now there's a propper **** hole,:D
Is anyone on here from Essex?

Yep I am and I love it, I was born in Harwich, a great little seaside town, and I now live in Colchester, a great place to live, more culture than most areas, a lot of history, beautiful sights and wonderful places. Colchester is one of the fastest expanding towns in the UK and has seen constant housing price rises for years now, must be doing something right round here...

Where ever you go in the country there are local **** holes and Essex is no different but maybe get of the band wagon and actually find out some facts, im all game for a bit of banter but please find out some relevant facts first and don't just run the same old stereotyped ****e thats been around for years, gets boring after a while...
ok, but if rew thinks that about somewhere then thats his opinion surely.same as you have your opinions which you have put on here many times???.
very good point.

I shall refrain from more replies to the mindless ****s in future.

got to go and do summit outside today anyway,
so I`ll let those who wish to continue to carry on..

all on there ownsome...:behindsofa:

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