Aye!! possibly but I doubt it :D:D:D
No no, he is being quite clear. First he is saying that he feels like he is a fool of such proportions it is comparable to someone trying to fornicate with the moon. Obviously the impossibility is reflective of his impossible to believe foolish tendencies to spit the dummy over the most minor of ribbing.

Second he has indicated that by having his concerns out in the open and then the caring friendly nature of this forum has enabled him to sleep soundly at night. Another job well done ladies and gents. You can all pat yourselves on your backs for your great work here.
He was on here reading this thread just after 08:00, and didn't feel the need to comment:eek::eek:
Can we take it from this that he is STILL sulking:confused::confused::violin::violin::wtf:

Feckin nooooooob :dnfnoob::dnfnoob::mooning::mooning:
Hahaha I'm still about and I still think you lot are a bunch of ignorant, narrow minded, bigotted, abussive, arrogant, pedantic............ tossers.
Hahaha I'm still about and I still think you lot are a bunch of ignorant, narrow minded, bigotted, abussive, arrogant, pedantic............ tossers.
In this undpridictable world it is reassuring to know that some things never change.

We have a gift and we run with it.
Hahaha I'm still about and I still think you lot are a bunch of ignorant, narrow minded, bigotted, abussive, arrogant, pedantic............ tossers.

And you are are a stupid childish person,why come on here and throw insults.does it make you feel big,or are you a sad lonely individual with no friends to play with.:baby::baby:
Hahaha I'm still about and I still think you lot are a bunch of ignorant, narrow minded, bigotted, abussive, arrogant, pedantic............ tossers.

Andy, come on mate chin up. Most of it is said to get a reaction. My first thread on here wasnt kisses and hugs, but I got over it and joined in.

Why not try again?

If not, get te feck
Hahaha I'm still about and I still think you lot are a bunch of ignorant, narrow minded, bigotted, abussive, arrogant, pedantic............ tossers.

Ive only just found this thread, which is unfortunate because i love me! i know im relaitvley unknown on here, but just been ooking through everything of yours andy and well theres only really one thing to say - **** OFFF. your just ****ing everyone else off, get out with and leave it outside. Quit your whining, if you cant take that little joke on LZIR then you may aswell leave now...

oh and also, now youve said what you think about us, can this guy get a tag next to his avatar saying "thinks were all arrogant" cuz im not helping you..

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