
Active Member
I just noticed the new landy zone 13 page and nothing on it yet, so with the rare opportunity I wanted to post first :D

I really really really wanted to go last year but a head gasket failure meant I couldn't go :(

However all is well now and I would absolutely love to come this time!! :)

Would I have to do a lot to my landy or can I keep it fairly standard as it is still a daily driver?

Also would love to know who will be going :)

Thanks Matthew
Wouldnt mind tryint to come along this time! Previously my landys been off the road for one reason or another!
planning in early stages yet, standard landy is fine, Stanford Hall poster will be published soon
planning in early stages yet, standard landy is fine, Stanford Hall poster will be published soon

What he said ...

Basically it's a lovely venue, very good camping field with great views, a Marquee, Bar, Catering trailer, places to sit drink, dance, be merry, make a fool of yourself, or to generally just meet others who love Landies!! There will be laning on the Sunday, Freelanders will be fine, so I guess almost anything else would be too .. :) If you have something to sell, bring it along and chuck it on the pile .. er .. display it somewhere and put a notice up! If you desperately want something that someone else is selling from the other side of the country, meet here, near the centre of England with good motorway access. (If the junction is finished!!!)

I've been with a caravan, a tent, the missus, mates and met many people who I've only ever typed at! It's often a shock meeting someone who you have an idea or perception of, but in real life they're even stranger than they appear on t'interweb .. :)

It's all pretty free and easy, fluid planning I think it could be called, certainly bring some fluids with you if you don't want the bar, similarly food if you don't want the catering, but they _are_ good ... I can thoroughly recommend the whole weekend to anyone .. ;)
I will be trying to convince the Mrs to go even though i dont have a landy im sure my Ford will get me there lmao

you don't need a landy to attend, if you want to go laning there are always spare seats in other members vehicles and they will take you along with them
Eldest daughter now decided she want to come she is on the look out for a young single eligible Land rover owner ( not gaylander ) she says lol
Eldest daughter now decided she want to come she is on the look out for a young single eligible Land rover owner ( not gaylander ) she says lol

There was the wee 15 year old on last night, who was going to kick the sheeeeeeeeeeeite out of all of us.
He came across as quite hunky :) andy pearce or something like that, he disappeared quite quickly when his daddy turned up though
Eldest daughter now decided she want to come she is on the look out for a young single eligible Land rover owner ( not gaylander ) she says lol

Well, I guess this thread is moving to AG.........You cannot expect good behaviour after an opening like that.....

There was the wee 15 year old on last night, who was going to kick the sheeeeeeeeeeeite out of all of us.
He came across as quite hunky :) andy pearce or something like that, he disappeared quite quickly when his daddy turned up though

Not strictly true, he was only after one person.........:D:D:D:D

I think Ill try and come along in the 88" this time around. Anyone else travelling from North Wales who don't mind sticking to 55? :D

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